18 Replies to “Most Japanese cannot read the kanji in cursive script”

  1. I had no idea Japanese even HAD a cursive script. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but with how complicated the characters already are (to me, anyways) I never thought cursive would be compatible.

  2. I swear on everything at the age of 5 I was writing in Japanese and never realize until now 💀💀💀💀 I used to be bored at my grandmother's house and pretend I was writing in cursive 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭

  3. Seeing Japanese Cursive For First Time is Just Like Seeing Another Language To Me 🙃

  4. Fun fact: Cursive Script was invented earlier than regular script for a thousand years.
    艸書(Cursive) appeared around The Warring States period(475-221 b.c.) and was popular in Han and jin (202b.c.-618),
    楷/真書(Regular) appeared in Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), popular after Tang dynasty (618-2022)

  5. 先と克がそんな、無いような差で分けられてるのは納得がいかない( ̄^ ̄)

  6. これは、、よく見てみると、外国人が漢字を正確に書けない理由がわかってくる。こんなに似てるように見えるとは。てか、似すぎ(-_-;)

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