My Compost Is Finally ALIVE!

I can now say that I have HOT compost going at the homestead! So lets take a closer look at how I manage and build my compost pile using a couple secret ingredients including one made right here at the homestead.


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27 Replies to “My Compost Is Finally ALIVE!”

  1. Your channels inspire me so much to go work on the garden and clean up from last year. I'm in NorCal, man the rain has been crazy this year. Keep thinking it may be over then another storm comes in lol.

  2. That "Hen Chase"workout looked intense! I moved my compost down the line a few days ago and the chickens where like toddlers underfoot but wanting to "help"!! Love your mural btw.

  3. loud hen? Won't shut up? Sounds like you need to invite it to dinner! ????????????????????????????????

  4. Easier method. Center fill vs lasagna. Insulate surrounding layer with straw and only add into middle.
    Heats ups great , easier to maintain moisture levels and will stay hotter longer in my humble opinion.

  5. Kevin, that straw looks pretty pristine. Please be careful and test each bale for pyralids before you contaminate your whole place. So many people are getting hit and losing everything they've put into their gardens. Yet so many more still don't know it's out there or how to look out for it.

  6. Fitness tip: never workout unsustainably. Tone ur workouts down/stop urself frm pushing the limit if u think u aint gona repeat it tmr

  7. Would love more compost videos! Maybe some experiments? Sources for getting additional cheap/free materials? Other tips and tricks?

  8. I think it could benefit your chickens and your compost to create a little run for them to scratch through it. 🙂

  9. Don't worry about your hens clucking in your videos. It really is just background noise and your reacting to her is more distracting then she is.

  10. Maybe you should cover your compost pile. I covered mine with some old corrugated siding, works well.

  11. Building hotbed ..composting and starting seeds I loke getting the most out of my work

  12. Running if you want to improve cardio but not for weight loss. Find one routine and stick to it. Bring a note book. Mark what weight you did how it felt make a journal of it. Refer to your prior work out with each next workout to see what worked what didn't and to continue building over time. Change up reps by pause at the end of a rep or altering it in some form to make it more difficult. But most of all make absolutely certain your form is correct and you're tensing the rest of your body before reps. When I first started that was my biggest fault. I'd think I was doing everything perfectly to later find I was slouching my shoulders or not tensing support muscles and it caused me lacks in gain and increased pain in joints. Lastly don't get discouraged. If you're tracking weight loss do it same day every week in the morning and log that over time. Your body goes in a lot of fluctuations over time. If over the progress of a week or two you don't see and reduction and you're still working out, change your diet. You can cut and bulk at the sams time. Just make sure you're eating in deficit and hitting .8-1g of protien/lb of body weight. Best of luck on your fitness journey.

  13. My compost bin had a major roach problem so I borrowed my neighbor’s chickens and left them in the bin for a couple hours. They ate hundreds! Didn’t solve my roach problem (discovered they were underground beneath the pile ☹️) but it was so fun to watch them go at it and I extra enjoyed carting them around in my granny cart when I ferried them back and forth.

  14. Plz help. Struggle to keep compost moist enough- 10% humidity here. Can’t put frozen water on pile in winter. Tips and advice plz- denver, CO

  15. Great video! I’m Potting up some tomatoes on my new seedling station. I’ve got another month before it might be safe for them outdoors.

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