My New Favorite Seed Starting Method!

In this video I’m going to show you my favorite new seed starting method for flowers or vegetables. It is the best way to set it and forget it. With this method my seeds came up so fast and some were ready for transplant in 11 days! I’ll show you how the seed starting system works and how to prick out and pot up the seedlings.


Growease Seed Starter Kit:
Black Gold Seed Starting Mix:
ViparSpectra Grow Lights:
Heat Mat:

Starting Flower Seeds for the Cottage Garden:


Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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29 Replies to “My New Favorite Seed Starting Method!”

  1. I've seen so many systems. This one actually makes sense. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. I've used those for 3 years now , they work great . The small cow pots fit right in them also . Use the cow pots . You won't have to do what he's doing. To much time .

  3. Getting seedling watering right is such a challenge! I'm doing really well this year (no damping off so far & only 1 seedling (of several hundred) has died bc I accidentally let it dry out. But this success has meant checking the seedlings every few hours (when I'm home)! It's been a lot of diligence/effort/work.

  4. I love this idea but I wish Gardener's Supply made them in small sizes. I start 6 (12 max) of one thing. 6 packs with domes that fit inside a larger tray would be great for those of us who have tiny yards and little space in our house. Seeds germinate at different rates and I need to be able to keep the different kinds separate.

  5. I really like this system! I’ve always had a difficult time with over and under watering my starts!

  6. I’ve been using something very very similar here in the UK. You can get it from some garden centres. You can also get it online from Garland garden products. Very solid bits of kit. Bought Garland super 7 electric propagator years ago and still working well. This year I’m trying their smallest grow light offering(£72) it uses the same wicking system as Brian is demonstrating in 3 trays. I’m trying 3 x 12 cell trays with a heat mat. It’s working well so far. Most of the seeds came through in 5-10 days.

  7. Can you just plant the flowers all together like they are in the cell? Or should we thin 1 flower plant per cell?

  8. great video but crap i was hoping this was something new, my grandpa showed me this method over 40 years ago, he used wire and burlap, and before that he used rocks in place of the wire. this is the best way and he built a plywood box with light bulbs inside and placed the seedling on top making the water warm and those seeds just shot right up.

  9. Good use for a pencil.
    I always save my chop stix when I eat at an Asian restaurant! They are very useful in the garden and for planting!

  10. Gardener's Supply had something similar to this back in the 80's that I used, but made from styrofoam.

  11. Thank you Brian! I hate watering my seed starts for the all the reasons you mentioned. Definitely going to order me those trays ????

  12. Your seedlings look amazing! I've had so-so success at indoor seed starting this year but I'm learning a lot and making notes so next year will be even better. Thanks for another very informative video.

  13. Garden supply makes a device to get seedling out of growing containers , Watch Garden Answer , Laura uses this system, along with others

  14. I have trays from bootstrap Farmer already, trays with holes and No holes. I Dont want to buy a whole new setup. That would be too expensive for me. Do they sell these wicking things separately? So I can incorporate it into my 1020 trays?

  15. I can see how this would work in so many areas, TX being one. But my bigger problem is fungus gnats and what I just started doing this year is the double cup method but the key I found is covering it tight till the seedlings get big enough to not be affected by them. I uncovered my Korean peppers too soon and they’re gone. At least on a smaller scale this seems to be what I finally figured out. But on a large scale yours is a great idea, I’d most likely do that if I was

  16. Cost effective way is cut up some old cleaning cloths to use for wicking you don't have to buy a mat

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