Not all donuts are doughnuts

Thanks to Status Dough in Knoxville, Tennessee!

The Adam Ragusea chef knife is (for now) 10% off!

24 Replies to “Not all donuts are doughnuts”

  1. Adam, I'm not knocking your knives but you said something that popped off the screen at me "Easy to sharpen" means it's a softer steel or did you mean something other than that with that statement?

  2. Cake doughnuts are inferior imposters don't @ me

    Plus, cake in any form is usually pretty mid


  4. i like the insubstantial doughnuts. krispy kreme donuts are the best in the world. they are so fluffy and soft its hard to believe its even bread.

  5. "National donut chains that use way more sugar… the results are texturally insubstantial, it just kind of melts in your mouth like cotton candy, in a bad way" – cough cough Krispy Kreme cough cough

  6. Cake doughnuts like oatmeal raisin cookies are of the devil. Both are evil pretenders.

  7. I find the melt in your mouth texture of a certain donut chain to be a feature and not a bug.

  8. I miss donuts. ????

    Cake donuts with plain sugar (Entemann's Softees-style) are about the closest thing around that aren't terrible). Damn diabetes.

  9. So there was no history of sellers stacking doughnuts on sticks like bagels? It was purely for even frying?

  10. Holy hell I must have these "yeast donuts". I've never heard of such a thing, and must have it now!

  11. The doughnut holes here in Canada sold by Tim Hortons are called Tim Bits, very popular ????

  12. The owner's voice is identical to somebody well known but I can't figure it out..

  13. Potato flour yeast donuts > wheat flour yeast donuts > cake donuts ( these are a sin and you’re going to the deep fat fryer of hell if you like cake donuts ).

  14. Yeast donuts are the best. I like cake donuts but they’re really heavy in my stomach.

  15. You should do an episode on Fasnachts!

    They are potato based donuts that are only made during the fasting season in and around Pennsylvania, with strong roots to the Pennsylvania dutch. For 1month of the year every grocery store in pennsylvania carries these donuts, and in my opinion they are the best tasting donuts.

    They come in two kinds, a powdered sugar or granulated sugar coating.

  16. Seing the oil level so high and so close the the edges make me feel really nervous…
    not that's it's dangerous, but is must be so easy to spill it all around and good luck cleaning it all after…

  17. I like all styles if made well, but especially French crullers. These have no leavening or kneading, and are very light and airy. Not as common as they used to be.

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