Original Banksy Canvasses Sell for $60 Each

Original Banksy canvasses were sold in Central Park for $60 each (worth approx. $20k each) as part of his month-long residency.

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11 Replies to “Original Banksy Canvasses Sell for $60 Each”

  1. So at 2:48 the man takes a piece of paper from the back of that painting, was supposed to be Banksy Phone number.

  2. The real point was the people who bought them, deserved them and deserved them for the right reasons.

  3. people talking about the value of his art and it not being worth millions and ignoring the fact he made almost $500 in one 6 hour shift. seems like anyone could make a living art art, when you look at it that way. but

    lets factor in the price of the canvases. they look like off the shelf manufactured ones. maybe the biggest ones cost $50 full price and the small ones more like $10 . add in the price of a couple cans of spray paint, the materials to make stencils, the cost of the display and even the chair he's sitting in. we're looking at at least a $1000 set up here. plus he would have had to transport them in his own car.

    but even then, if he did this just on the weekends and made about $500 three days a week, he would make back his investment in one week, pay off a cheapo car in a couple months, and then, maybe, finally, be able to afford a place to stay πŸ˜‚

    please tip your artists, people

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