Putin's horror. The Ukrainian Air Force launched an attack on Moscow!

The fear and panic in Russia due to the ongoing war with Ukraine. The Ukrainian army’s successful resistance has disrupted Russia’s plans, causing damage to the Russian army and heavy losses. The passage also mentions the possibility of the Ukrainian army launching an air operation against Moscow, which has caused Putin to install air defense systems in the city. However, Russian citizens do not trust these systems, and there is growing anger against Putin for failing to ensure Russia’s security. The threat of drones used by the Ukrainian army and the fear of NATO intervention if Putin decides to use nuclear weapons.
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27 Replies to “Putin's horror. The Ukrainian Air Force launched an attack on Moscow!”

  1. Russia's Air Defense such as S-300 Missiles are intoxicated with Vodka that it flies back to explode at their own base.????????????

  2. I await the day Ukrainian Special forces deliver putin dead or alive to the ICC I believe it will be with the assistance of Russians who sypahise with Ukraine, there area many, this war is a war on freedom not just Ukraines but Russion people also, together Russian and Ukrain people can stop this from ever happening again.

  3. The World is supplying Better Military Aid to President Zelensky in order to protect his Citizens, however Nato must untie his hands and allow him to use this Aid to better use….Every time Putin sends Missiles into Ukrainian land, Ukraine should be allowed to send missiles into Russian Land, same goes for Belarus, if Missiles are coming from there, send some back…Remember Putin has created this situation. God Bless Ukraine.xx

  4. Congratulations Putin (The Crazy Dictator) has extended "His War'' to the land of Russia and because of the actions of this Terrorist and his Desire for Violence, there's even more incidents like this to come. What goes round comes around….Glory to Ukraine.xx

  5. Putin world is getting tight…wherever you go…your concience will keep on bothering you Mr. President…show your last power in the whole world…i'm sure you will fail…because God has enough for you…justice will prevail to those who suffer in your own personal ambition…Now, God will show the world what punishment he give u that u deserve. I'm sure it's so painful for you.

  6. Putin is not even defending the interests of his own country, but rather the interests of himself. Eastern European countries have chosen to join NATO. It was a voluntary decision which does not get to be dictated by Russia. The Russian people would benefit from Russia acknowledging the political autonomy of these countries and recognising that their decisions to join an organisation are not an attempt to undermine Russia. It is only the Russian political establishment which is obsessed with building a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe which it may have held in the past and is consequently unhealthily nostalgic about.

  7. Ukraine is fighting to defend itself from Russia's invasion. I stand behind them. Putin has made his own country a danger to the autonomy and sovereignty of others.

  8. Make Russia pay such a high price that they not only can't wage war again, but won't ever want to attack another country again, EVER!

  9. Why does America have to deplete all of our military assets. And send billions of dollars to Ukraine when all of the arterial weapons are given to them. Just another way for Biden to launder money. American tax payer dollar's.

  10. Hit also Russian oil depot, oil refineries, power instillation, military missile factory….and Russian military airbase

  11. Hit also Russian oil depot, oil refineries, power instillation, military missile factory….and Russian military airbase

  12. Yeah….good….bring the WAR to Russian Terrorist territory…..not only in Ukrainian territory….

  13. Sounds like someone is doing a good job, Putin ear your ❤out. Just keep hitting Russia, let them see what it’s like to be bombed, that how Ukraine feels from 2014 up to the present time. Putin continues to use a train between St. Petersburg and the Kremlin.

  14. Since when did America become pansies to Russia. How about these names? Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden. Ya Turkey, Poland and the Baltic nations are our only hope.

  15. Putin had them installed because of his paranoia of assignation while in the Kremlin. ????????????, Putin the Knome is always hiding like a scared rat. GLORY to Ukraine ????????

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