28 Replies to “Raised Bed Gardening Questions??”

  1. I saw the email from the school last night and I am so excited! I absolutely loved your raised bed gardening course. I hope they have you do another. You are a fantastic teacher. I can't wait for Wednesday. I wouldn't miss it!

  2. FYI in the description there is first a link to sign up to the school, but the second link, sign up for free q&a is the link for the live event that’s free.

  3. I received the information on Facebook and immediately signed up for the free Q & A. Even submitted a question via email. Can't wait! Crossing my fingers ???? for a free membership ????

  4. Well, I put in my email and when I clicked on Brian's class, it took me back to the page to sign up for general signups with money levels. So I checked my email and it gave msg to confirm my subscription. So I did that. It still didn't confirm this specific class on Wednesday with Brian. So I am not sure if I just signed up to get their newsletter.

  5. Hi! Off topic but are you still doing videos on your other channel? Haven’t seen any in a bit. Love your content on both! Thank you for all you do.

  6. I am a member of the School of Traditional skills and YOUR class Brian was the very first one I completed upon the startup. Looking forward to this Wednesday!!

  7. My son in law built me a horse shoe shape garden that’s 3 foot tall with a 3 foot fence on top to deter the deer and smaller critters. I love it

  8. I'll be there! I signed up for the school when they did the original free classes to get started. Have learned so much about so many things! Can't wait for your live Q&A! And it would be great to win a lifetime subscription too!

  9. Peat pot question: Has anyone had mold/mushroom issues with starting seedlings indoors under lights in peat pots? At first these pots were full of mold just after a few days, now after a few weeks, mold is starting to show up in other pots. I'm tossing the peat pots because I am suspicious of them. They may not be the actual source, but they may support molds better than regular pots. Either way, they need to go! Thanks!

  10. Yes, I will be there, super excited to support you. And your thumb nail had me rolling. ????????????

  11. I’ll be there. Can you talk about adding amended natural soil to raised beds? Maybe addressing what soil composition we are aiming for. Seriously wanting to avoid store bought soil.

  12. Hope to be able to hear the replay, as I’ll be working. Plus I’m in the process of building my first raised bed right now.

  13. All signed up! I'm a brand new gardener and want to build raised beds, and am not sure how to start.

  14. I am thrilled, and I will be there. Can you please address drip irrigation connecting multiple raised beds?

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