20 Replies to “Ready to POUR CONCRETE! But then THIS Happened…”

  1. 17:44 Could y'all please refrain from taking the Lord's name in vain in the future. It's really not cool

  2. I hate to ask this question…. But why didn't you buy two of the big tarps? I feel for you guys

  3. I've been watching you guys for a few years now. I started watching originally because my wife and I had just bought our first home and I needed some help fixing some stuff.

    As time went on I noticed that I was watching for the chemistry you two have as well as the tips. I never had a solid father figure in my life so I appreciated watching your dynamic. My wife and I are expecting our first child (boy) in July, and watching you two has become much more meaningful to me. I appreciate the father son dynamic you two model. The idea of fatherhood has terrified me, but I have a much clearer picture of the kind of dad I want to be by watching you two.

    Many thanks to you both!

  4. I was told by a plumber to protect pipes where they go through concrete because as the earth turns it creates a slight vibration which causes the pipe to rub on the concrete which can make holes over time. Some areas require a wood frame around any pipes so the concrete doesn't touch them at all.

  5. I was really pulling for no rain! Keep your heads up, dudes! There are brighter days ahead!

  6. Your contractors are saints to put up with filming and letting you help. Give em a nice bonus all of em ????

  7. When doing the foundation for the house then please consider a thermal brake. ???????????? I have a thermal break of only an R3 on my 40‘x40’ shop for the walls and roof. My shop was already an existing structure so I was not able to thermal break the foundation. At least not the way I would like to. I technically could but it is not ideal. With the cheapest thermal break, no air conditioning… on one of the hottest days last year then my shop was 10 degrees cooler!!! ???????????????????? (A thermal break is an insulated layer … often rigid foam… between the sheathing and the framing to break the thermal bridge/loss of energy and heat through the wall assembly from the inside and outside.)

    For your sheathing then I really hope you use Huber Zip-R sheathing (sheathing, WRB and thermal brake all in one) and properly roll the acrylic tape on the seams and use the liquid flashing over the fasteners. Please review Matt Risinger’s personal 70’s rebuild house that he lives in Texas. I had to learn that every time that Matt Risinger said, “Here is a nice detail…” or something like that every 3-5 minutes then it was probably not the MINIMUM standard installation. He likes to build to a higher standard. Like Passive House standards. I don’t recommend everything he says but I watched him long enough to be able to pick a part what I agree with and what I don’t. Unfortunately… I had the miss-impression that the quality and standard of work he did in his videos was common for contractors… when I was hiring a contractor. I was WRONG and grateful to have learned. Now I understand how and where I fell so short.

    I hope this helps. Thank you!

  8. Texas in the Spring. Maybe when it comes time to do the big house, you can pour the slab in the middle of summer. I know you have learned a ton on this project. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. I know there has been a great deal of misery going into this episode, but it makes for great viewing.????

  9. It's a good thing you had that tarp, otherwise your foundation might have filled up with water.

  10. As soon as that concrete hits the hole, it will all get better. Keep smiling. Don't waste your time stressing about what you can't control.

  11. Damn guys, my heart sank when I saw the blip at the start of the video – that's a tough break. Hope the pour goes well for you, you really need that win.

  12. at least you can look back every time you see that slab and remember what it took to get to where you are in the future! It will be quite the memory for sure.

  13. Way to go hanging in there and being positive man. I’m personally going through something similar. It’s an emotional roller coaster. I just keep saying “but when it’s finished”. Thank God for you dad man. He’s a blessing to you.

  14. If it weren't for bad luck we'd have no luck at all. Gloom, despair, agony on me… HeeHaw.

  15. Hang in there, boys! In 30 days, none of this will matter anymore, and you'll be sitting in lawn chairs inside the framing laughing about the rain you had. Mark my words… In 3 months, you'll be inside that weathertight garage watching another downpour, again reminiscing about it. Eyes on the prize…. Don't stop til you get there!!!

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