Remember The Girl

The best beauty routine is to practice compassion. Learn about the story here: Don’t forget to share this story. Together we can make a difference 🙂

Write down 146 and outline it with a heart and share it to your friends. Take a selfie with it. Be as creative as you want and make sure to #RememberTheGirl so I can find the pictures. Love you all so much. Together, we can build a beautiful future for everyone.

Your gift of donation will go directly to rebuilding the lives of these beautiful survivors. Please share this to as many people as you can. The more we raise, the more it will help the survivors. Here are the campaigns I am working closely on.

follow love 146 for updates on how you can help

Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights. There is nothing that hurts me more than seeing innocent lives being destroyed by those who oppose freedom and love. Help me fight this modern day slavery. Together we can make a difference. The internet is a powerful tool. It only takes a few seconds for you to share this message. Lets #RememberTheGirl

Thank you for your support! Love you all so much 🙂 Sending you love and light.
– Mish

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This is not a sponsored video. All illustrations and editing done by yours truly 🙂

28 Replies to “Remember The Girl”

  1. I would love to know Michelle's MBTI type – I think it's an INFP – like me ????

  2. I saw this video 8 years ago. I am still dead set on working with rehabilitating victims of modern slavery. Thank you so much for leading me on this path Michelle Phan.

  3. I stg, Michelle had this one video about a story with a girl?? She was writing a book and finished it with the support of her friends and husband? Then her … dad? … died and she grew up and then somehow met her childhood friend

  4. Don't know cry for what
    Voices that are unheard yet or Her not doing videos anymore…..

  5. This video is so inspiring to me. I remember watching michelle phan video when I was younger.

  6. Michelle, I remember seeing this when you first posted it and how much it touched me and how strongly I feel about it. I said to myself I would donate once I started working in any way that I can. Even if it’s a little bit I want to help. I’m back watching this again after you released your lip cloud in the shade “Love”. I can’t express how much I feel inspired by you and also loved by you actually. You love people and you stand up for those in need. I love that you do things that you can to help support the things you believe in. I’m so happy that after all these years you still help Love146. Thank you for this.

  7. Wrote 146 inside a heart on my ankle. It makes me feel so inspired and powerful.

  8. this is soooooo heart toching. i swear i changed after this. thank you so much

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