Repotting a KLEINIA barbertonica Before it's Too Late! — Ep. 314

I picked up this Kleinia barbertonica (formerly known as Senecio barbertonicus) a few years back at the Union Square Farmers Market in NYC and it’s grown quite a bit over the years. Recently, however, I noticed it had been looking a little sallow, losing some of its lower leaves, and I figured it wasn’t getting enough water (and therefore likely not enough nutrients as well). So, thus begins the inspection and repotting!

Thanks to Espoma Organic for being our partner-sponsor on this video. You can find them at

You can find out more about the products I’m using here (may include some affiliate links):
– Espoma Cactus and Succulent Mix –
– Espoma Organic Succulent Plant Food –
– Espoma Bonsai Mix –
– Espoma Perlite –
– Espoma Hort Charcoal –


“Plant One On Me” is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening. Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging, entertaining, and educational content.

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10 Replies to “Repotting a KLEINIA barbertonica Before it's Too Late! — Ep. 314”

  1. I bought one of these at Walmart years ago, and I've always wanted to know what it was. Thank you.

  2. I understand summer has the espoma sponsor but I would like to see her teaching how to make a good soil mix from the ground up. I mix my own but it took me a while to understand what I was doing because all the tutorials I saw used pre mixed soil mixes as base ingredients. Here's my way. I use peat moss with pearlite and or vermiculite, with compost and biochar. Theres other ways but these ingredient amounts can be altered to accommodate almost any plant(with the exception of epiphytes).

  3. Looks like a christmas plant. Like a pine or something. My solution to dry soils is bottom watering. If it is really bad I will top water it at the same time as well. Never really had a problem with plants in stubborn soils after that.
    As an aside, I am really liking that hoya you have there. About 8 months ago, a friend of mine gave me two leaf notes of one that looks very similar. The one difference is that it has pointy spear shaped leaves instead of rounded ones. The look and markings are the same though. It has been in her family for generations. It was given to her grandmother as a wedding gift over 100 years ago. I grow it in a 50/50 of perlite and miracle grow orchid bark. I bottom water it once a month for about 1-2 hours and give it a half dose of 5-1-1 Alaska fish emulsion fertilizer every 3 months. It goes under one of my mars hydro grow lights were it gets 16 hours of light a day. It is about half the size of the one you have there now and it growing very fast. I am hoping it will keep up the pace.

  4. Would you consider doing a follow-up episode on the plants that you installed in the Japanese Style loft apartment in NYC a couple of years ago for the piano playing philosophy professor? I watched the episode yesterday and was very curious how it worked out for all the plants.

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