Results of different covers on new vegetable plantings in spring, and when to remove

Subtitles & timings to follow.
We use covers on new spring plantings of vegetables. Most commonly 25 to 30gsm fleece / row cover, to convert surplus spring light into the mossing warmth.. This fleece is made from plastic but I have not found an alternative, yet.
See an earlier video we made about using fleece in spring,

Now it’s the last week of April. The weather is warming at last, so I ask myself how long to leave the covers on. In this video I show you many different vegetables whose growth has been mostly good under the covers.

You see the difference on growth, between a range of covers. How for example the thermacrop is less warm than fleece. However it gives good wind protection during the winter.
Mesh is good against insects, but mine is old and slightly damaged. Hence the flea beetle holes in radish leaves.

Links for purchasing in the UK:
My affiliate link for 30gsm fleece, thermacrop and mesh at Gardening Naturally

Here’s an eBay link for 25gsm fleece

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30 Replies to “Results of different covers on new vegetable plantings in spring, and when to remove”

  1. I love watching your experiments come to conclusion. My gardening is ALWAYS an experiment, I do no dig, but I mostly do no weeding too! Haha, this year I am weeding only around the plants out to about 8 inches. I need the "weeds" for my summer garden as it is just so sunny and hot in my garden spot that my veg literally cooks in the sun! So far so good, growing really good now that it's a bit warmer. Planning my summer garden now. Oh how I love my garden though.
    Learning a bit of herbalism this year too. So "weeds" are now medicine and food. Earth is really a great planet! 🙂

  2. I have have lived in SE London for 37 years and havent seen such a long and cold winter yet! I miss "global warming"! ???? Thank you Charles, I am trying to educate my family in Poland about "no dig" and I am looking to buy some farmland. With the shitshows and 15 min cities I think I want to be "free" elsewhere…sadly

  3. Wow, 600k+ subscribers. Wonderful to see your channel grow so much, Charles. If anyone deserves it, it's you. My gardening's taken a back seat (had some rough years there) but I am getting back to it this year. All the best.????????

  4. Interesting you still have fleece on certain crops. I appreciate our last frost date is end of May, I wonder if you would consider swapping fleece for mesh now?

  5. Hi Charles, thank you for sharing your new comparisons and covers!

    May I please ask you, what you would recommend to put on a ploughed and harrowed field wich I recently got (it‘s been grass before).
    There‘s some not completely green waste compost abailable and I ask myself if it works to put it on the surface as a mulch in between the plants or would it be better to wait to autumn to let the compost get ripe on the field over winter time?
    Could it do some damage to the plants to put it on right now, like hardly an inch or so?

  6. Had to take my mesh off today. There was a ton of flys down the whole bed ????

  7. I wonder should they make fleece in a black colour rather than white as it absorbs sunlight whereas white reflects light. End result more warmth.

  8. With no more frosts forecast would you consider putting the Sweetcorn and tomatoes out early or do you never do it?

  9. A lot of good information the re different covers Thanks for your experience info ,Cheers Where do you purchase the wire for the hoops and how wide are the beds please

  10. I have found covers to be a pain in the backside. I did an experiment last yeat, one bed with an insect cover, one with a fleece, and one with nowt at all. The uncovered bed turned out the best, with less slug and snail damage as I was able to easily find them and other pests. No covers at all for me this year.

  11. Thank you for this. Your previous comments and advice regarding has help extend my short growing season, which I have shared and recommend your YouTube channel. I’d also like to pass on my thanks for recommending Seaspring seeds for chilli and pepper seeds, I have 10 quality plants growing and looking forward to trying them.

  12. Hi Charles, thank you for sharing all you knowledge and experiments. If you want to figure out if it is the forking or the compost on top that mostly affects the yield. You could test forking the ground but still adding the compost on top as you do on the no dig bed.

  13. it might seem a bit boring subject, but actually protecting crops especially in spring is really an important aspect of gradening, that can make a huge difference. weather wise, spring ,in england, is a very challenging season. Being organized with the right covers is essential.

  14. My first season growing vegetables since I was a kid, and trying out no dig. The very cloudy spring down here in central Germany has given me some grief. Almost everything stopped growing for the first three weeks of April, even the module sowings on the window sill! The only thing that soldiered through and is growing well are the direct sown radishes. Things started growing again with last week's sunshine, a few lost weeks but most plants survived.

  15. All my carrot leaves have been eaten by slugs. I have no idea why I keep trying to grow my own veg!

  16. I don't allow cats into my garden. Filthy creatures, they carry parasites, dig up plants, and always make sure to leave you a nice "present" afterwards. Not to mention their impact on the bird population.

  17. So, to recap; winter= thermacrop w/hoops
    Early spring = fleece, no hoops
    Mid spring – summer = mesh, finest grade (w/hoops?)
    ? Do I have it right?

  18. Would it be an idea to let some ducks go after the snails and such? I hear that duck do a very good job at that without the destruction that chickens cause. And How is the pond doing? Has the leakage become a bit less, or is it still the same situation? I would loooove to see an update about that. And I sincerely hope that you have not given up on the idea of creating a pond. A huuuuge ???? from the Netherlands.

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