Roadmap to Filing a Patent Application

Learn how to patent an invention with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Inventors will learn how to determine if an invention is patentable and the basic process of applying for a patent.

29 Replies to “Roadmap to Filing a Patent Application”

  1. What if I put my invention out there before applying and someone sees it gets it in the mail and steals my potential Patton?????

  2. I am an American living in the Philippines, and this whole process has been a bloody nightmare! None of the document links work. It has become pretty obvious that in order to get a $65 provisional I am going to have to return to the US. Which I can not afford! Thanks for nothing USPTO!!!

  3. It's official. The USPTO is the coolest government agency! Their energy is consistently: positive, welcoming, thoroughly helpful and educating. A very much needed breath of fresh air!

  4. Background music wasn't to loud to me. Is it hooked up to your surround sound system 🤣🤣🤣

  5. how can one trust the attorneys? i feel like. this whole process is too complex and old and hasn't been simplified since it was created to fit the modern era.. thats y u dont see lots of inventors.

  6. Me: Google's patent process
    Google: watch this video
    Video: Go to Google and read
    Phone: 👂 listens
    Google: patents idea

  7. Hello, who did your deck (graphics)? They are really good. I would like to use them for a project. Thanks!

  8. The most annoying assault on the ears and stupid cartoon presentation on the web. The retro script and presentation are so annoying I couldn't wade through the video. Really ridiculous

  9. That background music is annoying AF!!!! I just need to hear the info plain and clear!!

  10. I want to patent a law the removes every single solitary speck of advertising from this day forward. Facebook, youtube, television, radio, billboards, semi trucks, stock cars… Everything.

  11. There is a Crisis in the United States and World.     The World is being Controlled by Evil Geniuses who created and use an Amazing, Powerful, Artificially-Intelligent Supercomputer that commandeers Man-Made Satellites.     Using their Supercomputer and Satellites these Evil Geniuses:   Created this COVID-19 Pandemic; Mind-Control Everyone and Create Man-Made Tragedies, Wars, Terrorist Attacks, etc.; Create the Weather including Precipitation, Storms, Hurricanes, Floods, Blizzards, Tornadoes, Droughts, Lightning Strikes, etc.; Create Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions, etc.; Create Forest Fires, Wild Fires, Avalanches, Landslides, Other Natural Disasters, etc.; Cause Heart Attacks, Strokes, Cancer, Disease, Epidemics, Agricultural
    Problems, Pest Problems, Animal Attacks, Genetically Engineer People, Animals and Plants, etc.; Etc., etc., etc.    
    You probably won’t believe this, but at least you now have been Informed.

  12. Hello I have an idea to improve recycling process and can be implemented nationwide if not world wide. It’s a process that would implement existing technology to improve recycling process. Is it logical to try to patent something like this and can it even be patented?

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