


– 1 head green cabbage
– cooking salt (kosher)
– 1 tbsp caraway seeds


1. Cut the cabbage in half, remove the core, then slice thinly.
2. Weigh the cabbage, then weigh 20g of salt for every 1kg of cabbage.
3. Working in batches, sprinkle the salt evenly over the cabbage and then massage it in well. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
4. Next, add the caraway seeds and mix well.
5. Pack the cabbage mixture into a glass or ceramic jar and cover it. Leave it in a cool, dark spot to ferment for 3 weeks, making sure you let any gas out daily to avoid an explosion.
6. After 3 weeks, it’s ready to eat. At that point, store it in the fridge and enjoy!

10 Replies to “Sauerkraut”

  1. As a person that only eats kraut on a beef frank every once in a while out of summer or a little more frequently in the summer I'm quite OK buying a small package and parting into quarters and freezing until needed. But thanks Chef?!?!?……

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