Scientists Reveal the Exercises That'll Make You Live Longer

Our body and all its complexity is a treasure that we must take special care of our whole lives. You only get one chance after all! The better you take care of your health, the happier, more comfortable, and longer a life you can lead.
Bright Side is inviting you to test your body’s age, and we’ll suggest a few exercises to improve the condition of your health and reverse the hands of time (or an unhealthy lifestyle).

Test your body’s age 0:52
Let’s see your results 1:49
Improve your flexibility 3:11
The downward dog pose 4:11
The child’s pose 4:42
The butterfly pose 5:17
A tush push 5:53
BONUS 6:27

– The first thing we have to do is test your body’s age. We mean the physical capabilities that your body possesses. So if you’re actually 21 years old, but this test reveals to you that your body is more like 38, there are no paradoxes or holes in the universe here; it just means you have some things to work on healthwise.
– You can improve your flexibility at any age, so don’t get “bent” out of shape (heh heh, get it?). If you work hard enough, you can change your current situation. The easiest thing you can do is bend over and try to touch the floor 30 times a day. Trust us!
– By bending at least 30 times a day, you’ll strengthen your ligaments and tendons and improve your flexibility as a result.
Yoga stretches are also good for improving flexibility.
– You could practice mastering the downward dog pose. (Arf – no not that dog!) The initial position for this stretch is an upside down V-shape with your hands and feet on the ground. After you’ve gotten into position, try to extend your tailbone up and back.
– Another great yoga pose that can give you a good stretch is the child’s pose. If you’re not familiar with it, here’s how to do it: start in a kneeling position, and then move your bottom towards your heels and rest your torso on your thighs.
– You can also try the butterfly pose to improve your flexibility. It’s really simple: just sit down, bend your knees, and bring the soles of your feet together, almost like you’re going to sit criss-cross applesauce but without all the crissing and crossing. Hold onto your ankles, and use your elbows to gently push your knees toward the floor.
– A tush push is also a wonderful alternative to getting your flexibility back to the way it was in your younger years. To do it, you have to stand up while keeping your feet as wide apart as possible, so hold onto the back of a chair if need be.
– Not that many people know about this, but you can actually exercise your muscles not only from the outside but from the inside as well! And this static gymnastics exercise is going to be a huge help for you in that. Static gymnastics helps eliminate inner muscular spasms, and by doing just one simple exercise, you release tension and enrich your body with oxygen.

Do you know any other ways to improve flexibility and lower your body’s age? Let us know in the comments section below.

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28 Replies to “Scientists Reveal the Exercises That'll Make You Live Longer”

  1. Bend over often? Oh that’s why my friend tells me to bend over infront of him he wants me to live longer 🙂

  2. ???????????????????????????????????????? I’m 47 and my body is about a 38

  3. Ha, 38 to 50. No real problem and no bent knee. Yay. I'm 56 and need to do better.

  4. That is why salah is the best exercise. Thanks Allah for this gift

  5. Avoid stress, my grandma is now 98yrs old. All her senses are doing well ????

  6. Muslims 5 times full prayers are just matching to the scientific ways to keep flexible.

  7. I used to touch the floor with my fingers not excatly my palms though but was able to bend my fingers while touching the floor without bending my knees till two years back when I got myself hurt in the lower back and now I can't touch and I don't push myself.
    What can I do to do that again? Will these exercises help? I am 51

  8. Is this advisable to people with cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis?

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