Simplifying Scoliosis with Erik Dalton

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Scoliosis remains one of the most mis-assessed & mis-treated postural disorders. Is the curve structural (fixed) or functional (fixable)? Erik Dalton demos a right thoracic (functional) scoliosis treatment which includes joint stretching, muscle energy & deep tissue techniques to unwind aberrant strain patterns and relieve pain Add this to other low back techniques shown in Dalton’s Level 2, Advanced Myoskeletal Alignment videos and book.

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15 Replies to “Simplifying Scoliosis with Erik Dalton”

  1. ~ Tretman NAMEŠTANJE ATLASA predstavlja revoluciju u prevenciji bolesti i unapređenju zdravlja.
    Svoje najveće rezultate pokazuje kod glavobolja, vrtoglavica, diskus hernija, cervikalnog i lumbalnog bolnog sindroma (bolova i trnjenja u vratu, ramenima, rukama, u slabinskom delu kičme, nogama, kukovima i kolenima) te uopšte u smanjenju i uklanjanju bolova koštano-zglobno –mišićnog sistema.
    ~ NAMEŠTANJE ATLASA-je postupak kojim se prvi vratni pršljen vraća u prirodan-anatomski položaj, specijalnim vibracionim uređajem, trajno i potpuno bezopasno, a sa ciljem uklanjanja ili pak smanjenja mnogih simptoma bolesti koštano-zglobno-mišićnog sistema. Obzirom da atlas ne nosi samo lobanju, već je odgovoran za celu ravnotežu i upravljanje kičmom i skeletom, kada je rotiran uzrokuje teške smetnje i promene u držanju tela. Posledice toga su simptomatske poteškoće i bolesti: bolovi u vratu, ramenima, rukama, glavobolje, vrtoglavice, bolovi u leđima, kukovima i kolenima, deformitete kičmenog stuba (skolioza, kifoza..)
    Svojom rotacijom atlas vrši pritisak na krvne sudove (vertebralnu i unutrašnju karotidnu arteriju) što ima za posledicu umor, dekoncetraciju, pospanost, glavobolje,vrtoglavice, omaglice…Kompresija vagus nerva, koji se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini atlasa ispoljava se pojavom različitih simptoma. Neki od njih su: poremećen rad želuca i creva, poremećaj srčanog ritma (aritmije) problemi sa disanjem… i sl.
    -bolovi u vratu i ramenima,
    -bol,slabost i trnjenje u rukama,
    -bol u slabinskom delu kičme
    -bol, trnjenje i slabost u nogama
    -glavobolja i vrtoglavica
    -skolioza,kifoza i drugi deformiteti kičmenog stuba.
    ~ Kada se atlas nalazi u ispravnom položaju, tada konačno mozak i telo počinju bolje funkconisati. Nakon toga svi će tretmani i terapije biti delotvorniji. Kombinacijom tretmana nameštanja atlasa i dekompresijske terapije kičme, uz adekvatne vežbe i masaže, poboljšanja su prisutna kod 95% tretiranih slučajeva svih bolesti kičme.

    КОНТАКТ: 0605241258 ИЛИ 063241258 препород®
    Препород® атлас центар 0605241258 или 063241258

  2. Thank you so much for the Video.

    the lower back is always  side bent to the right side? or its depend on the type of Scoliosis? my doctor said i have S shape but i not sure to wich side to do the  Exercise if i bend i see S shape i not see my body curved to right or left just S shape no degree curve or something just jave s shape starting from lower back its shaped inside like small hole and and a Hump on the upper side of the back near the neck and its create the S shape i want to threath it but doctor said it's not possible in my age 28. but i strongly belive that everything is possible at least make it better than let it get worse! any thing i can do to find out what type of curve and what side?

  3. please, todos los videos de scoliosis en spanish, my son tiene una doble scoliosis, 59% y 54% y no queremos surgery

  4. my granddaughter age 13 has scoilosis 60 percent curvature, but her curve is the opposite side. would this exercise be of benefit to her. please advise me, thank you.

  5. Hi sir erik! Thanks for sharing this vid, im also suffering from this kond of scoliosis. My right rib is larger than the left and i have a hump on my back specifically on the right side. Can this still be corrected and back on its normal size and no protrusion at all? Thanks sir!

  6. muchas gracias Eric. Soy de Argentina y me gustaria recibir informacion, costos de los cursos, y si estan traducidos al español ya que no hablo ingles.Mi mail

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