Smart Snack Recipes: Quick and Easy Snack Food Ideas

Smart Snack Recipes: Quick and Easy Snack Food Ideas

Trying to make smarter food choices for a balanced diet? Don’t forget about snacks! Β Tracy Metro for the Kraft Kitchens shares smart snacking recipes with a focus on variety, portion control, calorie intake and lot’s of flavor!

30 Replies to “Smart Snack Recipes: Quick and Easy Snack Food Ideas”

  1. You should flavor water with lemon slices or berries instead of that unhealthy drink mix junk, and that smoothie you made is so unhealthy, lemonade and whip cream in smoothies? There should be juices like organic orange juice and not lemonade and whipped cream!!!

  2. im not sure if this is getting me fit, there are a lot of calories in it right?

  3. Came here for snack ideas and instead got a craving for spaghetti. Can't imagine why..

  4. I understand that some people need to count calories, and that's fine, but I actually need calories. Haha, I want a quick snack, that is healthy, nutritous, not full of chemicals, and good. :/ I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

  5. This is still pretty unhealthy for you. Even though they are less in calories, it still has a lot of sugar etc.

  6. eat less fruit?? haha this is hilarious… The more calories one eats in raw fruit and vegetables, the better (as long as your not overeating of course) because it detoxes the body, causing it to shed fat. Sugar free Jello?? really? You know what that means right? Artificial sweeteners… not good! 100 calorie snack packs. fillers and sugar and all the other toxic things to the body causes fat cells to form around the toxins to protect the body.. wanna lose weight? detox.Crystal lightASPERTAME

  7. did annyone else got here when they saw "130 calories" at rewind youtube style 2012 when they saw EMT trow hot dog and got so curious and got here and now watching this video.

  8. Food allergies is very serious and it is sometimes difficult to find suitable alternatives. But for your health and for your life you need to definitely avoid food thatο»Ώ you are allergic to. You can talk to your doctor and/or nutritionist to see if they can provide you with suitable alternatives.

  9. I can only find the fruits you have here where I live, and I don't really like fruit.. What else is there, if there is anything else? πŸ™‚

  10. What if your allergic to ALL of this stuff. What are you gonna do now huh? πŸ™‚

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