Smart Wheel Clamp

#tool#Wheelie_Clamp #Clamp
how to add a skate wheel to an old F-clamp to make a wheeled clamp for moving large boards and sheet goods around.
This tool replaces a second person for transporting my heavy things.

“Wheely Good Add-Vice” 😂😂😂

19 Replies to “Smart Wheel Clamp”

  1. God bless you for this one. I will be passing this tool on to Future generations thanks to you.

  2. I’m going to modify the idea. A bumper jack and a semi truck tire. I’ll be able to get my wife off of her ass! Thanks man!

  3. Brilliant. But…if you make another clamp/wheel, but with a larger diameter wheel…you could clamp it a little closer to the center of the long plank so the wheel supports more of the weight, and you are more free to control the movement.

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