Tender, Flaky Salmon Filets with Sous Vide

Never overcook salmon again! With our simple sous vide recipe, your fish will come out flawless every time. chfstps.co/2iaFJF4

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19 Replies to “Tender, Flaky Salmon Filets with Sous Vide”

  1. A fatty oil fish like salmon doesn't really need to marinate in more oil. Thumbs up for the tip on scoring the skin though.

  2. A lit bit of seasoning…. ok…. it would have been nice to know if it was FRESH TYME and LEMON ZEST… not sure what else

  3. I have a question, are we supposed to cure it in a salt and sugar mixture and soak in cold water for ten minutes before we place the fish in the soup vide bag or are we supposed to do it before we sear it? It wasn’t very clear to me we he mentioned it in the tip section…

  4. Formula for any chef steps vid:

    1) mix obscure, toxic sounding ingredients
    2) sous vide
    3) blend or sear
    4) fancy plating
    5) mustache

  5. Sous vide Salmon Fillet

    1. Score skin
    2. Sprinkle salt and sugar all over fish and sit for 10 min
    3. Rinse dish with ice water
    4. Put in zip lock bag and add olive oil and seasoning of choice. Cook and needed temp.
    5. Make purée with head of cauliflower, shave it a bit, put in pot with a little bit of water and butter, bring to boil until tender then blend it in a blender. Leave off to the side back in the pot on lowest temperature.
    6. Take canned red beans and mix with minced onion, parsley, lemon, olive oil and sale and pepper.
    7. Slide fish out and sear on hot pan with oil or oil for a minute on skin side down.
    8. Plate

  6. I cannot wait to try this. Your side dish idea and presentation is super helpful. May you PLEASE DO MORE..and more…and more.

  7. Absolutely positively works I tried shrimp no better way on earth to cook shrimp moist full of flavor works great, I also tried cod chunks best ever

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