27 Replies to “the best brussels sprout recipe”

  1. May you please enough you must please write a cookbook I know that everyone that sees your videos wish they could buy your book your cookbook I will be the first one to purchase

  2. This girls makes I look so easy and excited to eat healthy and transition to vegan! So yummy lol

  3. What's always amazing is how crispy she pronounces her esses-S. Like she is part Ssssnake or Ssssomething

  4. Ya a slice of beef takes the place of all those ingredients… truly think about how much it takes to be vegan vs not… y put ur self thru that? R u mad at all predators?

  5. Oh I bet that is so good you're making me so hungry only thing though obviously I can't do sugar I'm a diabetic and we can't we just can't do that and I'm not trying to be Karen not when you're diabetic honey I'm a grandma a great grandma like that your kid to me and I mean that in a wonderful beautiful day have a merry merry merry Christmas and a happy New Year Jesus loves you he's the one that reason why we you know that don't you he's the one

  6. Wasting way too much of the end of the Brussel spout. Also they will cook more evenly if you cut a cross in the end of them.

  7. Either those sprouts are super big or you’re super small. I can’t figure it out.

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