The Worst Wood To Build From

My epoxy workshop:

I might have been overconfident when I took on the largest round table build I have ever attempted. This one had more downs than ups, let me know what you think of the outcome.

Bid on this piece:

Sawyer table base build:

Smart Executive Desk Plans:

Lesson of the week, get a moisture meter… No, the lesson is to USE the moisture meter. Here is the one I own: –

Dry ice blasting:

Items used in this build:
Wagner moisture meter:
Deep pour epoxy:
Custom router bits:
Angle grinder:
Track saw:
Table top epoxy (touch-ups/fast):
CA glue:
Threaded inserts:
Festool sander:
Roundover bit:
Mesh sandpaper:
Gem buffer:
Photography light (similar):
White buffing pads:
Furniture bolts:
Cordless router:

0:00 intro
1:45 How not to cut a circle
3:04 Dry ice blasting/sandblasting wood
4:55 Epoxy tips and tricks
7:40 Round epoxy table mold
8:46 Deep pour epoxy
11:55 Cutting it round and flat
13:40 Epoxy touch ups
17:10 Wood vs metal table bases
18:20 Cutting a dangerous edge profile
21:55 Applying the finish
23:38 Table base (number one)
25:21 Table base (number two)
26:09 Surprise ending

15 Replies to “The Worst Wood To Build From”

  1. Sawyer! Cam, I'm new to woodworking. Can you explain why the higher moisture makes this piece "unusable as a table"? I get that the table top won't be perfectly flat but is it really that extreme? Thanks in advance.

  2. Hey, Cam, regarding the moisture in the table:

    Is there any way to release that trapped moisture at this point?
    Maybe have the guys run it through CNC again (would after the your investment in it, I know), have them take it down a few millimeters to expose fresh wood, and then build some kind of drying chamber to try to get the remaining moisture out of it, and refinish it?

    I suppose since you're auctioning it that you're just taking the L on the piece and chalking it up as a life lesson, but it still sucks to see something like this happen.

    Just the same, it's refreshing that you're so honest when you make mistakes and that you're not afraid to show everyone those mistakes and use them as a teachable moment for your audience.

    Great work with this, even if it didn't pan out.
    I wish you the best.

  3. Sawyer. Can't you just let it sit for a year or two, then do a flood coat of self leveling epoxy? It'd suck to wait that long, but better than wall art….

  4. After seeing on the wall, I think it would make a nice over size wall clock

  5. To protect your floor from leaks when pouring epoxy trying using tar paper for roofing. It’s cheap, easy to lay down and clean up afterwards.
    As for Goby cnc machine in the future leaving a 1/16” left for you to cut off. Instead flip your wood and then have the cnc finish leveling off the table top by removing the 1/16”. The operator of the cnc machine can control the speed, so as the tool gets close to the circle cut, slow it down and then speed up when pass it.

  6. Sawyer. Thanks for the pesos conversion Cam 🀣 Question: a slab that has trapped moisture like that, could it ever be salvaged? ie kiln dry

  7. Ouch…sometimes we get caught up in our flow missing a basic step.
    Beautiful piece!

  8. Sawyer. Hey Cam love your Channel in the time and effort you put into making videos. I had a thought in mind for this piece maybe you could make a clock out of it instead of a wall mount piece. I don’t know just a thought. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  9. One thing I've learned is if you put painters plastic directly underneath the slab it doesn't stick to the epoxy and will allow the leaks to plug themselves depending on how bad they are. I learned that one by accident. This being said I am not on the same level as blacktail just something I figured out while making live edge tables for some customers

  10. Outcome looked very nice, despite the MC issue. Sawyer was very gracious in the way he handled it.

  11. So, just listening to this guy makes me think that he just likes bragging about his money

  12. Its' creative artwork. Worth your effort. Beautiful for me. Great

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