These Foods Make You Fat & Sick

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Make sure you read the labels on the foods you buy every day. They are loaded with horrible quality ingredients that are contributing to weight gain, diabetes, and more.

17 Replies to “These Foods Make You Fat & Sick”

  1. My 11 year old granddaughter scans everything to see if its bobby approved her triglycerides were 378 since we found your app they are down to 115. She immediately puts it back if you dont approve it.thank you for all you do!!

  2. Does anyone know of any resources/petitions to get these harmful substances banned in the US like they are in Europe??

  3. These ingredients are in Gerber baby food, there toddler cheese puffs have maltodextrin in it, a small jar of bananas has 20 grams of sugar, sad

  4. You the man Bobby, slowly but surely getting the family on board. Love what your doing.

  5. The FDA is a joke. I did a report in college about processed foods and holy cats, batman. No one but you can keep the rotten stuff out of your mouth, off of your skin, etc. Please keep educating us, Bobby. Now to find some of the children's acetaminophen and cough syrup that you recommended….

  6. Thank you Bobby for taking the time to care enough to show us the truth!! You are blessing😇

    I think it’s so sad that we are lie to about all these food items and more.
    Smh 🤦‍♂️ If only they were held accountable for their lies…

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