'THEY PROTECTS BIDEN FROM CHARGES' Ted Cruz has ENOUGH of K.IDS h.arm…starts impeachment INSTANTLY

‘THEY PROTECTS BIDEN FROM CHARGES’ Ted Cruz has ENOUGH of K.IDS h.arm…starts impeachment INSTANTLY

24 Replies to “'THEY PROTECTS BIDEN FROM CHARGES' Ted Cruz has ENOUGH of K.IDS h.arm…starts impeachment INSTANTLY”

  1. clint o'bamb*den makes me projectile vomit just thinking about how they are DESTRYING our once great Nation! We need to make them responsible for all their evil deeds. Otherwise, what good are we as citizens!!

  2. Six point six million…when the FUCK does an armed militia act?

  3. The parents that abandoned their children at the boarder and handing them off to the cartel should be held accountable to the strictest laws.. CHILD abandonment. endangering a child…. AS well as THE entire Biden administration should be held accountable …

  4. Potato Joe and the Joker both need to be let go. Its clear to me you do not need to have a brain to be president of the USA, so just grab someone off the street and make them president after Potato Joe and the joker are gone.

  5. Its to take down whitey, this is an overthrow of our republic. Destroying our Jus Sanguinis-right of blood, our ancestors that fought and died for this country.

  6. ???? Leftist diabolical Dems are doing the work of enemies!!! ???????? China loves all this nonsensical distraction Dems have tragically taken us ???? all down, a HELL hole of a rabbit holes of non-ending destruction!! Our enemies said they could destroy us without even lifting a finger! Self destruction is what California now exports!⏰️ WAKE UP America ⏰️ ???? DESANTIS ❤️ NOW 2024! ????

  7. The problem we have with these Republicans, is they are all talk and no action!! TRUMP 2024

  8. Ok I must have missed the part where Cruz said he was starting articles of impeachment. If someone knows the time please time stamp it for me please.

  9. i definitely like senator Cruz's grilling, but is he going to do something ? the time for talking has come and gone –

  10. but the people at the capital who were under attack and vice president they screamed. hang him have what no rights thats why THE GOP WILL ALWAYS. BE LOSIERS. BECAUSE. YOU. LIE

  11. " Jesus Christ said whoever is free from sin to cast the first stone ????????‍♂️????????

  12. I like how the democrats stick together and vote together. Republicans do not do this and have many rhinos in their ranks.

  13. It’s disgusting to see Joe Biden the biggest criminal we know of the system is broken we have so many criminals in power Nancy Pelosi insider trading. Why are we going after these pieces of shit because they have too much to hide there’s so many of them guilty ! We might see Joe Biden in jail but what about the rest of these traitors !

  14. The true disaster is you blowing up Noordstream Pipeline. A huuuge environmental disaster under Biden and he said he was going to do it. Why is it that the powerful get away with crimes? The average Joe would be sent to jail for plenty years

  15. What about the president and whole congress oath of office , to protect the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic, your not following that oath

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