Tip Of The Week #7 | Barre/Bar Chords made plain and simple | https://youtu.be/-ocAoto569c
Tip Of The Week #6 | How to figure stuff out by ear | Tips & tricks! https://youtu.be/_MEcFu3CevQ
Tip Of The Week #5 | The one strumming tip you SHOULD know! https://youtu.be/9iVDuMN1BJA
Tip Of The Week #4 | Three notes per string scales | Best & easiest way to play fast! https://youtu.be/jdzg_uf9JoI
Tip Of The Week #3 | Learn the harmonized major Scale! | https://youtu.be/by9pw7ZLtoU
Tip Of The Week #2 | Changing Chords Too Slow? | Here is why! | https://youtu.be/JDhR36lIqbs
Tip Of The Week #1 | Spice up your basic chords! https://youtu.be/a3oXCG4GfS0
21 Replies to “Tip Of The Week #5 | The one strumming tip you SHOULD know! | Strumming lesson |”
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What are the chords for the last strumming pattern?
Paul – do you have more videos where I can follow your strumming rhythms like you do at the end of this video. At your Patreon page maybe? I haven’t looked yet. They are fabulous for practicing strumming.
Nice Sweater! Looks comfy. Thanks for the strumming tips.
what guitar is that??
one question I've had why does my thumb want to completely lift off the neck when I play fast???? it's so annoying. or it turns completely sideways if I try to stop it I end up screwing my fretting all up.
My biggest struggle right now is strumming. Whats your pick attack angle?
Man, you've come a long way.
Could some write out the chords in the last piece? Sounds really
Sometimes I strum hard and loud… if I try to strum smoothly, I miss it. What's your suggestion for this?
Does an upward strum have emphasis on the high strings, and a downward strum have emphasis on the lower strings?
The way you’re talking in this video sounds like a Mitch hedberg show
Great tip. How would you adapt this for strumming in 6/8 time?
Just for the record, the tone on that Martin is fantastic! 🙂
Longtime fan,…. thanks for the lessons! You’re a great teacher and I’ll be subbing to your lessons very soon!
So much edited????
I do strumming very much the sane way as this, however, when I do pattern like this 5:18 I still do all the down up motion, but in the part with the empty up down up motion, I don't do it across the strings, so I just do a tiny verion of it… In my opinion it's enough to keep the rhythm, and it's also much easier to do… (especially because I have a bad stamina and getting tired quite easily). So… What do you think?
2:57 this way of moving right hand is very easy for men…
…but with a guitar, it's another story.
Thanks for the useful advice. I really liked the strumming patterns you played at the end. It would have been nice if you could have shown the down/up pattern for them. I’m nowhere near the stage yet where I can just hear a pattern, visualise it and then play it. Perhaps another time you could do a tutorial on listening to a strumming pattern and copying it?
Recommended in 2020! I can see a lot of your cool je ne sais quoi in here ; )
what is the strumming pattern at 5:55?
I wish I found your videos earlier!