TMIN News 05: Drawing Issues

This news broadcast-style video focuses on what is meant by the term “drawing.” Because you may amend your mark “drawing” only in rare circumstances during the application process, it is critical that you understand this concept before filing.

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14 Replies to “TMIN News 05: Drawing Issues”

  1. I have one design. I want to protect the design but also protect the wording in the design as "Standard Character" as well… Which form shall I proceed with?

  2. why do they make this application so hard to fill out. why do i have to have a lawyer? I file an application with a lawyer back in 06, some of these things he di not explain. then in 2016 i lost the patent, mind you this is a clothing brand, it never made it mainstream so i am good in that sense. Now the name is taken but not the logo. I am looking to file same logo new name.

  3. Can I add seasonal changes to my trademarked logo like a Santa hat or something of the sort?

  4. My slogan as a design in it that triples all the three are the same color. I am providing a service for now. There's no special way the slogan is written. How should I file?

  5. There is a Crisis in the United States and World.     The World is being Controlled by Evil Geniuses who created and use an Amazing, Powerful, Artificially-Intelligent Supercomputer that commandeers Man-Made Satellites.     Using their Supercomputer and Satellites these Evil Geniuses:   Created this COVID-19 Pandemic; Mind-Control Everyone and Create Man-Made Tragedies, Wars, Terrorist Attacks, etc.; Create the Weather including Precipitation, Storms, Hurricanes, Floods, Blizzards, Tornadoes, Droughts, Lightning Strikes, etc.; Create Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic Eruptions, etc.; Create Forest Fires, Wild Fires, Avalanches, Landslides, Other Natural Disasters, etc.; Cause Heart Attacks, Strokes, Cancer, Disease, Epidemics, Agricultural
    Problems, Pest Problems, Animal Attacks, Genetically Engineer People, Animals and Plants, etc.; Etc., etc., etc.    
    You probably won’t believe this, but at least you now have been Informed.

  6. I understand that applying for the standard character mark is the best decision if I want to be able to change the font style but if I have a logo attached to my mark and would like to use it (whether it be alone or with the wording) do I have to apply with a separate application for a special form mark?

  7. Can I include Japanese characters for a standard character mark? Or do I have to choose special form mark to do that? Would a vertical bar (the key under Backspace on the keyboard) be considered literal element or image design?

  8. If I apply for a composite mark that includes a wording logo and a design logo combined, can I also use them seperately to my goods?

  9. My logo has color to it but I want to also use other colors as well can I do that or do I have to claim the colors that’s on there already

  10. I just want to confirm if I submit a design mark in black and white, I can use different colors for the wording, design element and background in the future? How about the font style, can I also change them?

  11. Is it possible to apply for all three of the different special form mark variations, as well as the single standard character mark, all at the same time and in the same application (shown at 2:12)? Or, do these need to be registered as four separate marks with separate fees attached?

  12. I am also using a Symbol to illustrate MR.MELODY™ but may wait to employ that later as it is not absolutely necessary at this moment???

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