
Caribbean Jamaica Travel

A Caribbean Jamaica travel offers so much more than rum, sun and reggae. When it comes to diversity, few Caribbean islands can come neck to neck with this island country.

Jamaica’s motto is “Out of Many, One People” and this saying can very well apply to the very heart and essence of Jamaica. While good beaches and great food take up much of the day for the typical vacationer, a Caribbean Jamaica travel could also offer a lot of sightseeing, especially in Montego Bay (or just “MoBay” to locals), which is home to a large concentration of great hosues, formerly homes of the wealthy plantation owners whose kingdoms were powered by sugarcane.

So with Jamaica’s great diversity, here are the things you should know before you go on that dream Caribbean Jamaica travel:


Money is not much of a problem when you go on a Caribbean Jamaica travel. There are licensed cambios and bureaux de change in all resort areas. They are easily and readily accessible, so you don’t need to get Jamaican money before you get to the island. And if you’re worried that your resort doesn’t have a money exchange, banks in the area can exchange all currencies.

The official rate of exchange varies daily so if you want a rate that suits you, it’s not a bad idea to shop around first. In addition, many Jamaican ATMs accept international bank cards with Visa, Mastercard, Cirus, and Plus logos. Credit card advances? Banks give that too, as well as change traveler’s checks, and offer other financial services.


Like any typical Caribbean island, Jamaica has a tropical climate at sea level and a temperate climate towards the highlands of the interior. One popular Jamaican poem sums it all pretty accurately: “We have neither summer nor winter/Neither autumn nor spring….”

So when you go on a Caribbean Jamaica travel, bring clothes that are suited for tropical climate. Swim suits are a must if you’re crazy about water sports, but bring a jacket or a light sweater if you included hiking in your Caribbean Jamaica travel itinerary.


Being a popular Caribbean destination and all, Jamaica is well connected to the rest of the world. So when you go on a Caribbean Jamaica travel, expect direct international telephone service 24 hours a day. There are also telephone operators who will gladly facilitate collect, third party, or credit card calls, too.

Most hotels, resorts, and parish libraries offer Internet and email access, as well as fax, telegrams, and cables. There are three daily national newspapers and five weekend newspapers, and of course, other international editions of major newspapers and magazines, such as the New York Times, TIME, The Economist, and the London Times.


Do you prefer to take a 4WD-drive to your hotel destination? One thing you need to remember while driving on a Caribbean Jamaica travel is that driving in this island country is on the LEFT. Some flexibility is required to avoid collisions with pedestrians, cows, goats, chickens, and other domestic animals, but the roads aren’t too bad. And Jamaica has over 17,000 kilometers of road networks connecting all major towns and cities.


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Caribbean Jamaica Travel