21 Replies to “URGENT!! Latest Trump News [1AM] 6/18/23 | ???????????????????? Breaking News Jun 18, 2023”

  1. I understand the importance of knowing how our politicians vote and it should remain that way. That being said, I strongly believe in the climate created by Trump and radical congressional Republicans, it makes the few who aren't radical afraid to vote for things they feel are good for their constituents. If they had secret votes, more beneficial legislation would get passed, including serious gun laws, laws on abortion and voting protection to name a few.

  2. Everytime I hear a good news for America and bad news for Trump, I start singing YMCA by Village People and dancing the way the orange rat does in front of his stupid supporters ????

  3. I want to speak with Rev Sharpton about the current state of affairs with this city and the HERRC program design to help the 4000 people coming into NY every week. WELL, WHAT HAS NEW YORK Done for its niggas and Veterans. I'm from South Carolina and we own land and have ownership of homes. New York has nothing for their Negros and Adams is kissing his base ass. Doing nothing to help the niggas!!!!! another Obama!

  4. Rejecting the lgbtq+ community is NOT hate… I just means you don't agree with their way of life, just as they reject the heterosexual life style… Why are the lgbtq+ community not accused of hate when they reject the heterosexual life style?? It's a 2 way street! Heterosexuals make the children, while the lbgtq+ community threaten to come after them, who is wrong here?!

  5. Reverend, from what i gleaned over here in Switzerland Neely was guilty of murder. There are other ways to restrain a person in distress – the choke hold seems way too popular in the US. Bless the victim's family.

  6. Not only was Mr. Nealy, strangled his hands and feet were restrained, while penny murdered him!

    If penny is such a gem as a Marine, then at 24 why was he no longer a Marine??? What is the reason for his early discharge from the Marines, as a 24yo??

  7. If the migrents were actually under persecution, then where are the News Reports of this???
    Send them home… I think these so called migrents are the work-force of those companies returning to America as mentioned by President Biden to fill those returning jobs… This is all under the NAFTA program… Somebody paid for those busses and planes to bring those so called persecuted migrents. People, put on your thinking caps!

  8. STOP BLAMMING THE REPUBLICANS, Use your knowledge of American History to help you realized and remember who is at fault from the lack of Domestic Tranquility in the landscape of, English America… Remember that the confederacy was defeated by the Republican Army of President Lincoln, and that because of the olive branch he extended to the confederacy, which cost him – Lincoln – his life, and – We The People – are experiencing a sevear lack of "Domestic Tranquility – as prescribed within the Preamble of our Constitution…." Remember and know that the confederacy is STILL on our soil, and are doing EVERYTHING they can to hinder the Formation Of A More Perfect Union!

    The confederacy was largely German and Dutch… [trump] is German… Some Germans came to the shores of the Americas, in order to invest in Aaron Lopez's, slavery scheme, and became slaver merchants… It was the German, East Indian Dutch Company, Portugal, Spain, and I'm just learning Italy, who invested in and profited greatly from their slaver merchant activities. Remember and know: The Republican Party of Lincoln has been infiltrated by the confederacy, and is currently sevearly infected because of this infection.

    Learn the Board and the Pieces of the game!

  9. Cannot watch any longer. The fact that you have people in power who are so corrupt is disgraceful.

  10. Msnbc is week.. Google Voice is obviously stupid.. who listens to Al Sharpton what MSNBC throws him a bone a half-hour every what ..two months… Lawrence O'Donnell's the only person I give respect to on that whole damn Network sometimes Chris Hayes sometimes velshi…. everybody else got their heading to send giving all your time it chasing around the most Insidious Republicans…. MSNBC is weak

  11. We know he loves the Firefighters Union, but he must not care for railworkers people

  12. REV, YOU LOOK MAD SHARP….FLY! I've been proud to march behind you…when you were heavier in a track suit…many many times. I love and respect you….truly. I can't lie, I'm so proud of you, so proud of the profound work you do, and extremely proud that your voice now reaches so many people who wouldn't have heard you back in the day. You were great then, you are great now, and you are reaching so many millions of maybe less radical activists…but at least well meaning people willing to listen and learn….you are transforming the conversation and changing hearts and minds, while never giving up your radical action oriented calling, you continue to inspire, guide, and give courage to those of us who have followed you for decades.. You are someone I love and admire!

  13. At this rate he shouldn't see the outside of the prison walls till he dies. He brought it on himself.

  14. Thank you for your enlightening presentation.????????????????????????????????????????????????

  15. Well get lock up and get out with no Bond this is a joke waste of taxpayers money

  16. Reverend Sharpton in regard to Daniel Penny you are wrong to categorize Mr Neely's death as murder as a civil rights activist you should have a fundamental understanding of legal principles thereby you should know that the charge of murder requires premeditation, myself as an African American l would invite you to ride the #1 or the #2 -trains in the wee hrs of the morning where you will see the Jordan Neely's of the world inducing fear in the people who have the misfortune of having to endure the terror of aggressive pan handling at the hands of the mentally ill in the NYC subway system and in closing l would like to commend Mr Penny for his bravery in his actions to intervene in protecting his fellow subway riders and thank him for his service to our country as a proud member of the United States Marine Corp.and l would remind you Reverend Sharpton that Mr Penny has civil rights too.

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