'V0TERS SHOULD HAVE AN ID' Greene makes CH.AOS against Biden after DISGUSTING 'ballot' CH.EAT

‘V0TERS SHOULD HAVE AN ID’ Greene makes CH.AOS against Biden after DISGUSTING ‘ballot’ CH.EAT

21 Replies to “'V0TERS SHOULD HAVE AN ID' Greene makes CH.AOS against Biden after DISGUSTING 'ballot' CH.EAT”

  1. Evans needs to be removed from her job as she is part of the problem we have in Government not wanting to be transparent and honest and above board but she wont ,why we can only think she has something to hide.
    People like her should be replaced now before elections get here

  2. Evens is another disgrace to our country. We’re screwed, we no longer have laws.

  3. I want to know where all our officials are. Not very often are they present in the Chambers. We the American people are paying these people a great deal of money to run our country so why are they not present most of the time. These people need to start showing up for work.
    This is a big problem and is likely why nothing gets fixed in Washington .

  4. COVID is not an excuse, it was a tool to corrupt decisions on voters and votes

  5. To think these ppl would do the right thing, and step down isiterally laughable. Philly elected a stroke victim who can't speak. The president himself is a freaking vegetable, like a literal lost puppy. These ppl have no moral ability they have no shame and are betting that everyone is stupid and winning

  6. Wow a biological wepon that could not only be used in a pre trial with Guinea pigs plus make it easy for democrats little nobodies to sign people who vote in persons names on absentee balata and cheating was looked down on so by democrats I guess when you are the evil you must shun talk about the evil uses of absentee voting blame Covid and this black womanly sitting there a boor would gladly change things to make sure a guy that in reality probably received no more than what two million votes legally how low brow can humans be and still have positions they are the least of anybody in america to have that job her answer my job is another nlowgmhsrd self important wart in a man old evil tree been around forever called three tree of evil souls democrats should change their names to demon rats

  7. Ban voting machines and require identification and each ballot should have a barcode and or a QR code linking the person to the ballot for a one time only verification.

  8. We live in dumbocracy. Georgia votes don’t count. Protest in your own neighborhood because rich people like watching you destroy your own neighborhoods

  9. This guy talking after asking let me just say one thing Covid was set up so they could have Biden cheat and the Democratic Party cheat to so-called win the election didn’t happen they cheated

  10. This is why Biden is trying to change election laws for no id needed to vote they probably tell aliens to vote for Biden for letting them in

  11. Biden, Obama, FDA, CDC,FBI Fauci call Lynn May work it and there’s a handful of other assholes that all should be in jail

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