12 Replies to “VEGAN CHEESE that will blow your mind ???? #shorts”

  1. I came up with the same recipe when I went vegetarian, except I used hemp seeds. Miso nutch and lemon really makes it cheesey. Sometimes apple cider vinegar is nice for the extra funk.

  2. Great video! Wow 7 years no animal products ????. As an omnivore I see that as a great achievement, congratulations ???? thank you for the recipe

  3. would there be a soy-free alternative to the miso? this looks delicious, but i'm super allergic :'(

  4. Going vegan for the second time (and the final time—not going back again) and I’m purchasing your cookbook as a little birthday gift for myself ????

  5. It's a super great idea, super vegan alternative, though idk if it tastes the same, I mean, if you mix lemon juice (sour) , with paprika (a bit spicy), and miso, that makes a special taste

  6. Cheese–a food made from the pressed curds of milk.
    That looks delicious, I need to try it, but why don't vegans give things their own name?
    Not hating, it just seems like vegan food should just have original names.
    Like the various "milks".
    It would make everything even more special!

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