We Challenged AI with Completely Random Ingredients (ChatGPT)

Today we look at what happens if you pull random ingredients together and let ChatGPT form a recipe!

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23 Replies to “We Challenged AI with Completely Random Ingredients (ChatGPT)”

  1. Americans don't use imperial. Imperial quart 40 imperial ounces US quart 32 US ounces and so on

  2. Wonderful use of ChatGPT, very fun and would like to see more!
    Just to clarify, there's no "intelligence" when deciding on the recipe. In a real dumbed down sense, ChatGPT is an auto-complete system like you would have on your phone.

    So it "creates" the recipes based on existing ones and what statistically goes together, rather than "thinking" about flavours.

    I still think and agree with Ben about it being a great base for inspiration and pushing for out of the box thinking though.

  3. You can easily ask gpt to create the recipe using metric… it taught itself coding in multiple coding languages, it can do simple conversions lol

  4. FYI you can ask any of the AI's to convert it to metric or "Make the recipe using metric measurements"

  5. loved the take on the first recipe. the lack of awareness the lettuce size was interesting. but i think as soon as they admitted that they weren't sure what they'd do with the same ingredients in the 2nd task, i lost all interest in their opinion of what the AI did. if you give an impossible task, don't be surprised when the outcome is crap

  6. What time did you film this????. It looks like Baz just woke up in the beginning. Awesome vid

  7. Best Sorted video I've seen in awhile. More gadgets, foodie gift reviews, and ChatGPT would be lovely.

  8. I think this highlights why the sorted app is pretty terrible for US users. The whole point of the app for me was to minimize food waste, but the ingredients never came in the quantity they asked for. So I would still have the dilemma to figure out out what to do with the odd leftovers- and if thats happening the app is no more useful than anything other free recipes on the internet.

  9. Hi fellas – the development of chatgpt relied on some incredibly unfair labour practices in the global south and the engine presents other ethical dilemmas as well. I would encourage you to reconsider using it for videos, at least until such things are better regulated.

  10. It'd be interesting to see a chef use those ingredients without seeing what the AI does and compare them at the end.

  11. I love Ben's idea to give it common and complementary ingredients to help normals build recipes!!

  12. The best part of AI is that you can ask it follow up questions to try work out what it's going for. If there is a next time for this kind of video you should ask it about its inspiration for the dish

  13. Pretty sure ChatGPT was assuming Iceberg Lettuce, which would have given you much larger leaves for your cups.

  14. More reasonably you would give a list of what you have available (including quantities) and ask to make a dish that would use some, but not all of them, and you might specify which ingredients you want to finish, and which ones you need to leave a certain amount of. That would be far more practical use as it would give better dishes and also deal with tackling food waste…. I would suggest you try that for a test to see how it does.

  15. So interesting using AI.
    Would live to see a Pass it on but every round is AI Generated 😛

  16. I quite like the AI battles, albeit I think I prefer random but sensible. The usecase for a lot of people will likely be: I have these things in my fridge that'll spoil soon what can I make with it?

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