Who’s responsible for decolonizing a mindset?

Full video and recipe for this stock (it’s called Superior Stock) on my channel as well as a recipe for ginger scallion oil.

20 Replies to “Who’s responsible for decolonizing a mindset?”

  1. No one will ever tell me my cultural food isn't magnificent. I have the entire African continent of cuisine distinctly telling me otherwise. ????????❤️

  2. I love you honesty we have some of the most soulfully flavorful dishes we learned to make something amazing out of nothing ✊????

  3. Yea no one was taught that. You’re just justifying your hatred against whites.

  4. Such Bullsxxt. Everyone in America loves soul food and Asian cuisine. No ONE refers to it as " inferior". Frankly, our love of potatoes comes from the UK, while our love of sugar, comes from France, and literally NOONE defends them as healthy. Sorry to interrupt your big woke BLM with a moment of reality.

  5. I mean if food is caked in grease and sugar it’s going to make you feel like shit due to how unhealthy it is to cake something in grease and sugar

  6. Guess what, EVERY FUCKING CUISINE is made from scraps and garbage.
    The italian cuisine is one of the most famous on the planet but can be reduced to
    "Ok, I have pasta and some poor animal i killed this morning… in how many ways can I combine those things…"
    Cuisine has to be made from scraps because that's what the poor peoples had to eat; we cannot forget millenias of history because some (casually english native speaker) fucker said that his shitty food his superior for REASONS?!

  7. If these people dont like your food, they could just not eat it. I like bland food. I really do not see why people are complaining about other peoples food. Its just food if they like it let em eat it. (This is where ill get people complaining) i feel like the people in America are too free, people getting freedom just makes them more likely to complain. (Im not talking about freedom of specific groups of people, like people can say whatever they want and nothing happens

  8. Im so thankful my parents raised me in a very integrated community. Ive had food from every nationality around me, and so far my absolute favorite (even as a mainly meat based diet person) has been Indian vegetarian food

  9. The song is called Tifa’s Theme from Final Fantasy 7. Hope everyone is doing well and holding on too hope for better days ❤️????????❤️

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