Why I NEVER Ask “How Are You Today?"

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Founded and led by former lead FBI hostage negotiator, Chris Voss, the Black Swan Group has 10+ years of experience working with companies and individuals on taking their negotiation skills to the next level. Chris’ book, Never Split the Difference, is a Wall Street Journal bestseller and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Our expert team of coaches discuss everything from silence techniques to influential empathy.

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20 Replies to “Why I NEVER Ask “How Are You Today?"”

  1. Here in Southern Massachusetts we all just walked by each other muttering, “how’s it going” with our eyes fixed on the dead space about 30 feet in front of us not knowing or caring how it’s going for the other person because that’s how we roll here in New England

  2. I hate asking how are you because people just start complaining. Glad to have a substitute.

  3. I think I don’t know if it’s because social media phones Internet whatever you wanna call it that communication has become hard for people because the fact that a video clip like this is even entertaining or useful, for anybody shows how many people struggle with just being a normal human, like do none of you guys know how to just communicate normally anymore you need to watch some guy tell you?

  4. Tbh though when people get it wrong and think your sad when you’re just chilling it kinda brings you down a little

  5. I really dislike (hate, to be honest) that question, for multiple reasons. I give honest answers, that's just how I am programmed. When people ask, they don't really care all that much, they're just being friendly, but it makes my thoughtprocess stop in my tracks and evaluate my day internally. Sure, I can answer fine, or great, but I hate lying, so then they're forcing me to lie, making me resent them. Ok, so I can tell the truth, but that involves details and quite honestly I generally not like to talk about it. I'm working, not evaluating my feelings. I realizing I'm overthinking this, but I can't help it. Every time someone askes me this I instantly feel some angrer, and I had to figure out why. P.S. this doesn't happen at all when I know they genuinely mean it, but most people don't.

  6. So this guy says he does something then immediately explains why you shouldn't do said thing???!!!

  7. I work in a job were small talk is necessary and I often start with how are you doing today. Yes it's basic.

    I often get an I don't know answer. I quip back that they can't be having a bad day because people always know when they are having a bad day. And for no reason I can explain they seem to be happier after this revelation.

  8. I like this. Engage (positively). Doesn’t matter if you’re wrong about your perspectives, engage. You just never know how that might positively impact someone’s day. I think ,ostensibly of us like to be acknowledged.

  9. I think the point is to ask the question open ended. Use phrasing that leads the other person where they can't respond with fine or great etc. That's how you demonstrate it's not just a pleasantry like most times but it actually starts a conversation.

  10. True story a guy was going to go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge left a note that said if someone says hi to me on the way, I’m not gonna do it… guess what… He didn’t do it… Get it

  11. I wouldn't want to say to someone that it looks like they're having a rouch day for the fear of them not, and asking why

  12. I love your content, I do wish you would explain the reason behind some of your tips though

  13. I kinda hate when people assume I'm in a bad mood just because I'm not smiling. Or similar

  14. i always open with; whats up?

    after that people start telling me all kinds of stuff

  15. Try telling your wife she looks tired when she isn’t. Now you’re in a real negotiation with high stakes.

  16. This is interest7ng do u mean that their is something wrong with the language or is their just a lack off? 😢😢😢❤

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