Wildflowers in the Meadow

English wildflowers from a seed mix, scattered on the soil before the end of winter. This can work in any damp weather, as long as the soil stays damp for a while after sowing. Seeds are mostly tiny.

My mix used here in 2022 was from this wildflower seed company https://britishwildflowermeadowseeds.co.uk
Another good organisation for sourcing seed and wild plants is https://www.habitataid.co.uk

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18 Replies to “Wildflowers in the Meadow”

  1. your flowers are very beautiful, nice colors charles..and you plnted them in drifts, which is very pretty and wise

  2. get you some native aquatics now for the pond, and some cattails for around the edges of pond !

  3. Looks good Charles !!..Now, get you some beautiful, native, Sanfoin !…its georgeous and beneficial the highest for bees pollinatotors…Love from Flint, Michigan !

  4. Beautiful Charles! Thank you for sharing! You’re making the pollinators very happy.

  5. Perhaps by removing nitrogen by sowing mustard over the area, or simply mowing hard and removing the clippings several times, the vigor of the grasses can be choked.

    Thorough scarification, followed by destruction of the following flush of weed seedlings, then Autumn sowing the seed mix with yellow rattle could also help. This land possibly has a large seed bank, so waiting for a second flush of weed seedlings to destroy before sowing the seed mix may also be prudent.

  6. Good information for me as I'm planning to plant wildflowers on an area we've removed a concrete based pond and liner from and then grown pumpkins. I"m going to leave it until our mid winter (july), to follow what you have done, and will remove weeds and grass that pop up in the meantime in the hope the wildflowers wont have too much competition. Thanks!!

  7. Hi Charles. I sowed wildflowers seeds last month in a few seed trays. I have pricked out the seedlings into cd 60 module trays and they have taken well and are starting to develop true leaves. I am planning on planting them in boarders and raised beds soon when they are a bit bigger. Will they take? Or am I wasting my time?

  8. I've sown some wild flowers too. I've broadcast them in the past with zero success. This time i've gone full Dowding. I've sprinkled them over a cd60 and germinated them in my potting shed. The next step of the plan is to mow an area very short then withba hori hori knife make an appropriate slit/hole and drop in the plug. And bingo in a few weeks flowers! That's the theory anyway. I'll let you know how it goes.

  9. Don't worry – if the cornflowers get going you're sorted. I grew one bed as a cut flower and now they're popping up all over. Very nice work – the local insects and bird no doubt love it !????

  10. Looks more like a colourful annual flower bed than a meadow… Meadows contain grass, mostly. And native flowering perennials. Also, where are the insects that feed on those ‘wild’ plants. ? You would expect to see swarms.., but I only saw one (1!) in the whole video.

  11. Thsnk you for sharing your experience with us about wildflowers. It is something that I wanted to know

  12. Sow Thistle is edible – a handy way to keep them in check. But then, if we are eating them, are they still a weed?

  13. Hi Charles, I think Wildflowers look wonderful and should be grown wherever possible. You certainly are doing your part to keep the earth covered and cool.
    Stay well, My Friend

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