You Must Sow These Seeds in April

With the arrival of spring, the Growing Season is now raring to go! But what can you sow in April? In this week’s video, Ben shows us exactly which seeds you can get started right now.

There’s something for everyone here, whether you have lots of space or just a few pots or a patio. This selection includes some old favourites and some cracking crops so grab a notepad and pen and get these on your ‘To Sow’ list!

For more Sowing To Harvest videos, check out our playlist where you can find everything from A to Zucchini:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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29 Replies to “You Must Sow These Seeds in April”

  1. i've never had any success growing brassicas…slugs, snails and caterpillar butterflies have always beaten me…this year i've come more armed though with lots of fine mesh and slug deterents…will be planting the seeds this weekend…fingers crossed,

  2. Thank you Ben. Your dog demonstrated perfectly that parsnip sowing time is spot on.

  3. I love Rosie so much… ????Who's gonna tell her it's not that kind of bed? ????

  4. A little tip that works if you’re sowing tiny seeds eg carrots, directly: mix the seeds with dry silver sand/play sand and then sprinkle on the soil. The sand spreads out the seeds. Also the sand helps with drainage. Win win????????!

  5. My French beans are so tall already but I'm scared of frost so they're still making a lovely twirly display on my windowsill which is ridiculously crowded now! I'm so impatient to get everything sown. I think I got a bit carried away!

  6. Haha I muddled up my pumpkins and my cucumbers one year and it was hilarious! It all worked out fine in the end but I did feel silly. They're not that similar when they're little…or big… okay, they are, a bit…

  7. I'm brand new at growing veg. This will be my first time trying. I'm really excited and want to grow everything ???? but I'm just going to stick to a few things this year.. I will be growing in my back garden as it's fairly big. Unfortunately half the garden is full shade. It get light but no direct sunlight which is a shame as that's a lot of wasted space to grow stuff..
    I really loving your videos. Great advice, especially for bigginers like me..

  8. i’m solely concentrating on honeybee friendly trees and bushes that will provide NECTAR for them. also flowers that will come back on their own every year. i’m trying to provide a verity of things that will keep the honey bees in pollen and nectar from the very first vestiges of spring until the last echoes of fall.

  9. Is anyone in the Potty Mouth Parsnip Challenge using the bare bottom method this year?

  10. Thanks Ben!! It's only my second gardening season but thanks to you & a few other trusted gardening youtubers, I've got a greenhouse full of seedlings on the go!! I just sowed big flats of celery & leeks the other day, and I've already got the earliest lettuces ready to pick baby leaves from.

  11. I don’t think you have squash vine borer, but I wish there was a coating of something stretchy for food crops to cover those vines. It’s a pain. We had good luck with Rugosa viola which is a giant peanut shape and similar to butternut. If we want other varieties we end up digging the grub out and burying vines so as not to lose the crop.
    You know us in cold parts of this world are aching to get our seedlings Out of our house. We just got another 4” of hideous heavy white stuff, but we will take the moisture…it doesn’t last long at this time of year, but still.
    Having such a time this year with seedlings because I used an open bag of potting soil—Big Sigh! I have never had aphids ever inside, and mildew and fungus gnats. Hope this isn’t a sign of a bad bug season.
    The bugs don’t like geraniums and petunias at least. I’ve used Mosquito Bits which is BT and it knocked them down, but I’ve read it can take up to 3 weeks ???? I hope I can get some outside by then and that would be pushing it as our frost free date is around 5/13.
    The aphids are loving the seedlings of artichokes, celery, basil, sage, cumin and hibiscus. It’s impossible to spray these plants under the sink. I did find 2 lady bugs that are helping. I’ve tried Neem and peroxide water drench. Nothing seems to be 100%. I don’t over water and have a fan. The treatments require water which doesn’t help the problems.
    If you have a magic cure let me know.

  12. At the moment I am a Couch Gardener…all my stuff is ALREADY ready to harvest…sarcasm…I have a Brown thumb.

    Every garden project I start dies in my care. I am not even able to mow my grass. I have mainly mud in my yard.

    I guess I don't like gardening outdoors or indoors, but I love to watch videos on it…why? I don't know!

  13. I'm currently digging a 6mx5m natural pond. What plants do you recommend for Hertfordshire?

  14. Can I come and live in your garden? I’m so tired of snow. ????????????????????❤️????‍????❤️????

  15. Sowing parsnips is a drama every single time, dozens of seeds in the ground and only a handful germinate… but when they're left to go to seed, find their own spot and grow at their own tempo, they do just fine. This year's actually started growing in autumn and are starting to pick up nicely now. And the flowers attract a wonderful variety of insects!
    I still struggle with carrots though, those either won't sprout, will disappear altogether or, at best, will survive but stay tiny. And unfortunately they don't seem to self-seed anywhere near as well as parsnips. ????

  16. The last frost date here is June 1 so I wonder when its OK to put seeds out in the greenhouse?

  17. Is there a reason you can't plant the seeds directly into the garden?
    Frost has already finished in Hertfordshire

  18. Thank you for not showing us you sitting in the soil with a bare bottom, I won’t be doing this either ???? it’s warm enough for your doggie that’s good enough ????

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