14 Replies to ““Young people don’t vote.” (Mapo Tofu Paneer)”

  1. As my parents used to say, “What do you want, an invitation on a silver platter?”

    How many of you whining about others not “engaging” you are actively involved in the political system?

    Are you:
    – attending local city council meetings?
    – active on a nonprofit’s PAC board, helping shape who gets that organization’s endorsement?
    – actively working/volunteering on the campaign for someone new who is running?
    – educating yourself about the details and complexity of issues by attending the many free seminars/webinars held by issue-specific nonprofits?

    “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

  2. I wish I could retire… but I have to wait another 40 years for that… yet I feel so old.

  3. "Everytime we suffered a loss after Obama"

    Yeah idk chief, tell that to the several middle-eastern youngsters i've met whove seen hospitals in their countries blown up during Obama.

  4. If u voted for biden don't ever talk to me I fought mfs for voting for Trump and I'll fight anyone who voted for biden u ruined America

  5. And when the most people come out ever to vote they say it’s “rigged”

  6. We need societies that prioritize the common person's interests, but in a real, material, serious way. Not whatever nonsense performance politicians like to put on to be "relatable".

    The problem is not old people. Most of the elders in our communities are not rich, not even "middle class", they are not generally people with great influence in society. Though they have largely been indoctrinated their entire lives into harmful ideology to some extent, thanks to those who Do have power and influence. The decisions these politicians make don't Not negatively affect them Just because they are old, but because most of these people in power are wealthy, and so are their families and friends. They serve big $$$$$, not you and me and our grandmas, and that is the fundamental design of our system. A government of hip young technocrats or other similar also would not solve our problems and that's probably what we would get if we continue to focus so much on this generation wars stuff. This is not a substitute for class analysis. The problem also is not that they are simply incompetent and we need more competent people in power who "get our issues". If it was it would be far easier to solve.

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