4 Levels of French Toast: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

We challenged chefs of three different levels – an amateur, a home cook and a professional chef – to make their versions of French toast. And then we brought in a food scientist to review their work. Which French toast was the best?
Check out the professional’s recipe here on the ICE blog: https://www.ice.edu/blog/babka-french-toast-recipe

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4 Levels of French Toast: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

26 Replies to “4 Levels of French Toast: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious”

  1. "I eat it alone in the dark" That's the only place you need to eat french toast with ketchup.

  2. no offense, but even the pro chef is holding the knife wrong… The knife should be gripped, not have a finger sticking out.

  3. The real name of french toast is “bread lost” because we use bread that could be wasted. Try with baguette

  4. For my french toast, instead of doing a large piece of bread I have little ones, and it makes them crunchier little bites instead of one large piece of bread. Its way better

  5. My mom used to make French toast for us as kids like Emily ???? I grew up thinking that was French toast

  6. Emily's French toast is actually an Egg toast ???? ???? ????….If you look at her ingredients, its just srcrambled egg merged with toast ???? thats why she eats it with ketchup ????

  7. She added ketchup to french toast.. (a recipe with NO MEAT in it, I might add) yet the previous recipe (an omelet which she added ham to) got NONE??? I like you, Emily.. You seem like a (mostly) good person.. But ALL meat (and a LOT of vegetables) deserve ketchup!! (I mix My corn into My mashed potatoes, and add ketchup to both sometimes.. (HEY!! Mashed potatoes are creamy french fries!!)

  8. This food scientist really got on my nerves.
    She’s acting all stuck up while I’m sure she couldn’t barely cook an egg.

  9. The professional chef makes me never want to try French toast ????????‍♀️

  10. Emily's french toast Really lack effort at least for me and Taste

  11. I'll pick Emily's recipe every day, just normal bread, egg and milk. Just don't put that much in just one loaf and DO NOT USE KETCHUP, for god sake.

    The other two 'chefs', specially the fat woman were to pretencious, a french toast should be something simple for when you don't have time or don't wanna do hot cakes or waffles.

  12. 'The best bread for a french toast is day-old bread' proceeds to bake fresh bread for the french toast.

  13. Look how far she has gone from ketchup on French toast to a proper Level 2 chef. So proud

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