Green tea is one of Dr. Weil’s favorite drinks, and for good reason: it is not only delicious, but is healthy as well. There are a variety to choose from each with a different taste and aroma. We put together a video featuring nine green teas that are easy to find in natural foods stores and supermarkets.
More information from Dr. Weil’s website:
Green Teas To Try:
10 Reasons To Drink Green Tea:
What are your thoughts on adding milk (even plant based milk) to matcha? I’m trying to develop the palate to have it traditionally, on its own.
Where kind I find these different tea?
Not familiar with a few of them. Love learning.
Yuzu is my favorite green tea blend, hot or iced. It's slightly sweet so you don't need to add any kind of sweetener. I buy all my tea and spices at The Spice Merchant in Wichita, KS. Their tea room is amazing!!!
"Japanese Yuzu-A Japanese citrus fruit known for its intense aroma. Slightly tart with overtones of a mandarin orange, this tea is very refreshing iced. Contains green tea, lemongrass, and calendula petals."~April Lipke
Thank you anew subc her
Which one is best for focus and ADHD?
that lady spillin water everywhere 2nd one
Love you Dr. W 🙏🏻