Berkey PF2 Arsenic & Fluoride Filter

PF-2 reduction elements are designed to be used with Black Berkey water purification elements to adsorb Fluoride, Arsenic V and pre-oxidized Arsenic III, and other residual heavy metal ions found in drinking water. This video shows how to properly install them.

23 Replies to “Berkey PF2 Arsenic & Fluoride Filter”

  1. Wish I had seen this video first. When we did all of the priming for our 2 black filters and 2 fluoride filters and installed our Berkey we filled the top chamber with water and as the bottom started to fill, we began drinking the water. We noticed a chemically taste and we weren't sure why that was. Well, after seeing this demonstration that says to discard the first batch of filtered water, I now know why!

  2. Ok, just finished installing carbon filters and anti-fluoride filters. Used about 10 towels, because the pressurized water blue thing did work, but I had 4 black covered charcoal filters and four anti-fluoride filters. Water began leaking around my kitchen faucet, found out it was seeping under my kitchen sink, into the rug and pad close to the sink, and now I think we will need to replace the faucet. Hey it was a few years old. Had to have a lot of chocolate to get through this. Some people would have probably used red wine or something stronger to get through this. I am trying to laugh. At least I did not have to listen to my poor husband try to work his way through this. Really, someone should do a spoof video on installing Big Berkey filters for the first time. I am sooooo looking forward to not have so many toxins in our water. It just occurs to me, why don't we just refuse to accept filthy contaminated water? We are just avoiding the problem, and allowing the children and families of the rest to be poisoned this way!!! Big Berkey Company, have you thought about making filters that would actually clean city water? Just a thought. Why are we putting up with dirty water? It is really selfish of us to not look out for the neighbors and children of others as well. Please think about it! Clean water for all! Goodnight to everyone. May the LORD have mercy on us.

  3. I just got new pf2 filters…I gave my filters really good primes twice in both directions, discarded the first batch.. tasted the 2nd and it doesnt taste like my usual berkey water. Tastes minerally i think.. should i discard this batch also?

  4. Are the wingnuts still attached to the black filters or do they need to be removed?

  5. Why I like Berkey the best. Mike Adams CWC labs tested the following filters: Big Berkey, ZeroWater, WaterMan Mini, Zen Water Systems, Crystal Drop, Doulton, Brita, Seychelle, ProPur, Culligan, and Mavea water filters. Elements tested include Aluminum, Copper, Arsenic, Strontium, Cadmium, Cesium, Mercury, Lead and Uranium. The scope of the laboratory testing did not encompass microbiology or organic chemical compounds such as pesticides. SEE ALL LAB RESULTS: ►

    Shocking that most of those filters performed terribly except for Berkey. ZeroWater is good but the cartridges are too expensive because they need constant changing every 2 days where I live. Mini Zen performed well too but I never used it. Berkey out-performed them all.

  6. Does anyone know how long it takes the bottom chamber to fill up? I have the Royal with 2 black and 2 pf2 filters? The reason I ask is because I just installed new filters and the bottom chamber is filling up really fast. It's never filled up that fast before. I'll sub whoever has the right answer, lol. Thanks.

  7. If someone can answer a concern, I would appreciate it.
    We bought the Royal with 1 set of the standard black Berkey filters and 1 set of the fluoride/arsenic filters.
    My concern is it will be easy to add enough water to the Berkey that these Fluoride/Arsenic filters will be partially submerged allowing the filter components/material to stay in the water. I wonder about contaminants in the filter being able to leech back into the lower tank or at the very least, I have concerns of the integrity of the filters being compromised from being wet part of the time.
    Any thoughts??

  8. what happens if I over tighten the PF filters & it remains like that for a couple of days?..

  9. Whew. I ordered the Traveler, and I was afraid the fluoride filters wouldn't fit. I didn't know they went on the bottom. That's a relief.

  10. Why bother with these special filters when distillation does not use filters and it removes 100% of the fluoride and arsenic, and everything else? Distilled water is perfectly healthy to drink since you get 99.9% of your minerals from food, not water.

  11. You're supposed to peel off the plastic labels on the PF2s. You can't put them on backwards because they are only threaded on one side.

  12. I did 2 days of research on berkey, I found reviews of people who tested the fluoride filter and found it removed none.

  13. fill the tank up with water, then toss that batch
    you have to fill her up to open up the micropores in the filter
    since it opens up the micro pores , the water is not filtered i think
    anyway thats how its done

  14. its bpa free but tests have found that some bpa free products they leach other chemicals estrogen mimicking…If I had to choose one of the opitions I would go with stainless steal…but really…if you can find safe ceramic containers that would be ideal…altho its been really hard to find. Im trying to see if the one company I found that makes ceramic pots ect can make me containers for the filters and then I would just use the berket filters in those.

  15. you can find them online because I did but I dont remember it being on their website.

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