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Online Dating Success For Men:

5 Online Dating Tips For Men

Dating apps and online dating should always be considered as ‘another options’ to meet women rather than the ‘only option’ That’s not one of the 5 golden rules, that’s just my opinion.
However, if you want to continue investing hours of your time on swiping left and right and scrolling through endless photos of over-filtered singe ladies, and start getting a better response rate, then here’s Kezia Noble’s 5 GOLDEN RULES for online dating success.

Choose your photos wisely! Think quality rather than quantity, and use photos that generate conversation triggers. You also need to convey the fact that you’re not a loner and that you’re not a weirdo. In the video I share with you the best photos tips to do exactly that.

2. Make sure that your profile information is not generic or too ‘captain obvious’. For example: Rather than saying the usual unimaginative stuff like ‘I like travelling, keeping fit and Netflixing’ swap it for more detail such as: “I love travelling off the beaten track, and avoid touristy destinations..give me a jungle in South America over a trip up the Eiffel tower any day!” or “I’m a massive Netflix binger..My current favourite shows are..”
This will help her get to know you, and again, will provide conversation triggers that will make it easier for her to engage and even initiate contact.

3. Avoid generic opening lines that belittle your greatness.
Lines such as ‘I bet you get messaged all the time’ are proven to turn women off before they’ve even clicked on your profile. In this video I share with you the best opening lines and how to get her to respond positively back to your messages.

4. Arrange a date! You DO NOT want to get caught in the spiral of online messages that lead nowhere (This happens a lot) The ways you should her out on the date are shared in this video.

5. Work on YOU. We all work hard on our online profiles, after all these have become essentially the shop windows to our personalities, but sooner or later, if you apply my advice you WILL start getting dates, and wouldn’t it be a waste if you meet a someone and fail to convey positive and strong body language, connective communication skills and general confidence? We are all increasingly hiding behind her screens, and communicating via texts and emojis, which although serve a purpose, unfortunately hinder our face to face communication skills. This is why at the beginning of this article (and in the video) I made the point of perceiving the use of online dating and apps as a an extra option rather than the ONLY option.

Remember, you can get great results from dating apps, but you can get even better results from live, face to face interaction offline!

If you want to take your online dating success to a whole new level, the check out my ‘Online Dating Success’ for men e-book HERE :

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Bobby Jr says:

oh those big beautiful eyes i will not lie, i am a fan of u and all the advice but if i can't have you i dont want anyone! 😍 thanks for all u do 100% !!!

Yes It's Me says:

What about for ugly guys like myself?.. I've dated hot women but I have
to hit on 100's sometimes 1000's of them for as long as 3 years in the
past before I could find any that I would be attracted to that wanted
anything to do with me. Even then, they've always cheated and left as
soon as a year and a half later. (I'm not worried about them doing that,
I now know that they will all do that to me so I firmly stay detached
simply out of self preservation) Self preservation doesn't go too well
when you are never getting laid though.. just the truth, it destroys
self esteem and can make you a real asshole.

राजपूत साहब says:

You Are Bitch and porny stariiii
kutiya sali raand
I want suck your bitch boobs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


What you said makes sense and I love your deep blue eyes

Cary Grants says:

so just jump through 1000 hoops it !

Triplex 29 says:

Hi Kezia.
Happy New Year!

Slydoski, Believe Inc. says:

smart chic!

StarRulez says:

Hey Kezia. Please come back soon. Been missing an upload from you ♥️

chekunzy sin says:

A man should live the life the way you suggest them to act actually. İ mean , lets face it…A needy guy have to act you to grab , so if he acts good is it also ok? İ dont think so. So changing the life style already creates that sort of mindset u suggest. İnstead of suggesting how to behave to a girl , may be you can focus on how to live the life .Otherwise that sort of daysurviving situations wont last long. Cheers

Tashan Brown says:

So i have a picture with me smiling but i was playing paint ball and you can see one person arm in it and i have another picture of me with a serious(bitch face) picture in the gym looking away and the quality is really good. Which one would be a first good picture??

Emo Muzz says:

Kezia you are smart, gifted and I love your book but I can't hear a word you are saying over how hot you are.

manoman0 says:

Hey, don't get me wrong, I am sure you're a nice person, you just won't trick me.

manoman0 says:


You need men so desperatley!

Jacob Villines says:

Need some help with a girl. She's been texting me all day everyday for months, but whenever I try to escalate she says she's not ready for commitment. I've recently quit talking to her because I was tired of it. What is she doing and what do I need to do next to actually get with this girl? She was telling me good morning first thing in the mornings, to even telling me good night. We've hung out a few times. She seems interested when we're hanging out because she doesn't play on her phone or disengage conversation. What's your advice?

R L says:

The fact that you don’t like the subject matter of online dating is obvious. I’m there with you on that…..its feels impersonal

Shepard W says:

Jabba da hutt. Lol. Happens way too often. Be wary of girls that only take face pictures. Went on a first date with a girl who said she was average body type so I'm expecting like maybe a hundred sixty pounds Here Comes 400-pound girl. It's a good thing she got me drunk

RBL 1164 says:

I wanna cum on your pretty face..

jim Nicosia says:

From Scientific America 'Urgent Wake up call'

LONDON (Reuters) – Sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years, researchers said on Tuesday.

They also said the rate of decline is not slowing. Both findings — in a meta-analysis bringing together various studies — pointed to a potential decline in male health and fertility.

"This study is an urgent wake-up call for researchers and health authorities around the world to investigate the causes of the sharp ongoing drop in sperm count," said Hagai Levine, who co-led the work at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine in Jerusalem.

Dr. Dawn Michael
Male sperm counts are dropping and it is not getting any better. Dr. Dawn Michael explains why men are experiencing low sperm count, male feminization, erectile dysfunction and infertility. The problem has gotten so bad in young men, that they are calling this subfertile

DR.Dawn Michael states that if a male fetus receives to much estrogen from the mother it can cause an increase risk of testicular cancer, low libido ,erectile, dysfunction, and breasts in a male as well as low sperm count. She states it as the feminization of men.

These studies are saying that 1 out of 5 men 18 to 25 are subfertile'

One report from the British medical Journal suggest this problem is caused by environmental estrogen.

The Dark Knight says:

OK despite you being a female and i don't have a problem with it your methods to releationship are TRASH(no offense) my advice for you mistress (i don't know nor need to know your name ) be less of a bad pickup artist and become A good professional at women which guarentees 100% chance of a male winning the heart of a female without the fear of breaking up or cheating OR breaking up for a different male because it is known that females (not all) love the tension and living on the edge so they are prepared to do anything to get what you want and throw it away when done with(depends on the female's personality).

Damnation Ray says:

How do i respond if a friend flirts whenever she gets a little tipsy?shes holding back when shes sober..and Shes married..

Marian Diaconu says:


EPIC Vegan says:

It's funny how you say we need to have all these social skills etc but what bloody use are they when the girl you're talking to doesn't have any!

tonylama says:

Online dating is not a good place to meet the one. These women think there kezia noble yet are a 5 or 4. There standards are high and they don't live up to them.

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