5 Reasons Why Online Dating Etiquette Guides SUCK

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I’ve had it, Internets. You’ve failed me.

P.S. You have a free pass to insult my mini-hat in the comments below. Have at it.

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Simone Smith says:

@SledwardTheOdd I concur.

Brooks Eastman says:

your mini hat needs a mini hat of its own.

Simone Smith says:

Sounds like we'll get along famously, @jeffshubert.

Simone Smith says:

@NotSoBigTimmy, that sounds AWESOME.

Simone Smith says:

Well, @Spumis, it sounds like it all worked out then! Perhaps there's something to be said for being a bit mercenary.

Simone Smith says:

@Spumis Word.

Simone Smith says:

@animac2004 YES! THANK YOU.

Simone Smith says:

Good point, @KaiLuck! And online dating profiles, which let us have a peek at folks' interests, really do help on this front.

Simone Smith says:

The challenge as I see it, @vticrx, is knowing what the consequences may be! Many are entirely unaware of them.

Timmy Ross says:

Dating is annoying. Play cribbage for a couple hours instead. High stakes cribbage. Loser buys cookies.

animac2004 says:

4 gods sake theres nothing wrong with high fives

animac2004 says:

lol, the hat is adorable

animac2004 says:

lol for the hat…..

animac2004 says:

vticrx is very very very right on the "Dont rush into anything unless you can handle the consequences" part because literally everything has a consequences even "not dating" has consequences. So what should one do????? pick the consequences u think u can handle and do what corresponds to it. Friendly advise, take it or leave it

Sheogorath says:

I say think of topics before you go on a date. My mind always draws a blank when I'm around people. At least if I have a mental list I'm better prepared.

vticrx says:

If you want to stay friends, dating could end your friendship. Consider how often you want to see or can stand being with a person. Consider the possibility of sex. Consider what the other person is looking for from you. Don't rush into anything unless you can handle the consequences or just hate yourself. Be yourself and aware of the fact that if you want things to "work out" you might not want to go full crazy on the first date. I <3 your kind of crazy.

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