If You Follow One of These Dining Etiquette Rules, Call Yourself Smart!

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We collected some simple dining etiquette rules to follow while on dates or when meeting with friends. If you follow these rules, you’ll feel confident and look great at any event and the people you are with will think of you as a nice, polite person.
If there is no seating plan, guests should wait standing until the host of the event shows them their seats. Men help ladies sit down and move the chairs out for them. Those who are late are not to keep everyone waiting for more than 20 minutes.
A fork should be held with the prongs pointing down so that you can pick up the pieces of food with them (instead of using it like a spoon except for in cases when the food if soft like mashed potatoes). Your pointer finger should be placed along the handles of the fork and knife, and the other fingers should be around the handles.
According to etiquette, the lady participates in choosing the food and gets to choose it first. When a waiter brings a bottle of wine, the man shouldn’t open it and pour the wine himself — this is the waiter’s job.


Etiquette rules at official receptions and banquets 1:02
Wait for the host to show you your seats 1:08
Ladies sit at the table first 1:31
It’s impolite to keep everyone waiting for longer than 20 minutes 1:41
If you can’t eat or drink something don’t tell everyone, just avoid eating or drinking it 1:53
Toothpicks should be in the bathroom and not on the table 2:06
How to use cutlery 2:19
Don’t go under the table looking for a spoon or fork. 2:22
The cutlery you started using should not touch the table. 2:33
Don’t cut your entire meal into small pieces. 2:42
How to hold cutlery correctly 2:55
2 ways of using cutlery 3:25
Only pass a fork or a knife with the handle pointing forward 3:50
Dating etiquette rules 3:58
The lady shouldn’t choose the cheapest foods 4:22
First, the man should fill the lady’s glass, and then his. 4:37
The gentleman should be the first to pay. 4:56
If a man and a woman are just friends, they can pay Dutch style. 5:14
Tipping etiquette 5:26
Tips are your choice. 5:48
Don’t say, “keep the change.” 6:14
Tips are not just money. 6:17
Don’t just give a handful of change to the waiter 6:26
If you want to pay by card and leave tips, take some cash with you 6:32
Remember the rules of behavior 6:59

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Etiquette rules at official receptions and banquets 1:02
Wait for the host to show you your seats 1:08
Ladies sit at the table first 1:31
It’s impolite to keep everyone waiting for longer than 20 minutes 1:41
If you can’t eat or drink something don’t tell everyone, just avoid eating or drinking it 1:53
Toothpicks should be in the bathroom and not on the table 2:06
How to use cutlery 2:19
Don’t go under the table looking for a spoon or fork. 2:22
The cutlery you started using should not touch the table. 2:33
Don’t cut your entire meal into small pieces. 2:42
How to hold cutlery correctly 2:55
2 ways of using cutlery 3:25
Only pass a fork or a knife with the handle pointing forward 3:50
Dating etiquette rules 3:58
The lady shouldn’t choose the cheapest foods 4:22
First, the man should fill the lady’s glass, and then his. 4:37
The gentleman should be the first to pay. 4:56
If a man and a woman are just friends, they can pay Dutch style. 5:14
Tipping etiquette 5:26
Tips are your choice. 5:48
Don’t say, “keep the change.” 6:14
Tips are not just money. 6:17
Don’t just give a handful of change to the waiter 6:26
If you want to pay by card and leave tips, take some cash with you 6:32
Remember the rules of behavior 6:59

Nikita Stone says:

2panthers 1giraffe

Duckguy Guyduck says:

370th comment!

Larry Stevens says:

Rather than leave my real name when reserving a table at a restaurant that uses a PA system to call its customers to the table…which would eventually result in the announcement of "Stevens, party of 2" (or whatever number of people are with me), I use one of the following as a surname to hold the reservation, just to lighten the mood among all the tired, hungry masses yearning for a table (or booth):

1. Loud*
2. Office
3. Political
4. Donner
5. Retirement
6. Whig

*Hint: "Loud" is the best one to use because when they call your name, you and all the people with you can justifiably start cheering and yelling at the top of your lungs, i.e., "HOOORAY! AT LAST! LET"S EAT." Everybody will get it and you actually won't get kicked out of the restaurant. You might even get a complimentary appetizer as a reward for providing some entertainment.
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Twostones00 says:

Never pay for the woman's food. Always go dutch or have the woman pay the entire bill.

Debbe Price says:

As a 8 year old child my father gave me a book on etiquette. I was expected to read the entirw book and i I was quizzed over it.

dreamer XD says:

Wait what am I watching this!?!?😕

Tuudur Reikop says:

1:311:41 You've angried me to the highest degree with your sexism!

Martin G says:

146 feminists and SJWs got triggered by this…

MichaelDisciple says:

Don't pass gas or trim your toenails before dessert.

Loki says:

Thumbnail: Do not pay the tip and wash dishes for the next week

JT Wei says:

My ball is tonight. Thanku!

Marie Dea says:

All of these…I already knew my mum would teach these to me and my sister when we were kids

Amanda Farley says:

i dont have friends so i dont care how i eat im gonna eat my stuff like i havent eaten in 1000 years boIII

Justin Bouchard says:

Hold it in until you’re alone I guess

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