The Sociology of Online Dating.

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Online dating came along just at the right time – a magical solution for a world where many people now spend long periods of their lives unwillingly unattached. Having started out as one of Australia’s first sex therapists Bettina Arndt is now our first online dating coach, helping men and women achieve success in internet dating. She has fascinating insights into the mysteries of this new means of matchmaking.

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Adolf Hitler says:

((( Feminism )))

Andrew Christopher says:

Men are simply not interested in a "well-educated" (i.e., "empowered") female. They have been rendered unwanted by the lies of feminism, and the believe it taught them that they are "wonderful." They aren't. They're narcissistic, demanding, privileged and entitled — not worth bothering with for a decent man. The best thing these women can do is get some cats and shuffle of their mortal coil and rid the world of these deluded and useless "citizens" of a decadent society.

david fasterer says:

Damn you're pretty on that stage.

Chris Hadley says:

As a man in the U.S. I found online dating to be a complete hypergamous disaster and gave it up years ago. How dare I have any needs? How dare I have my kids nearly half the time? How dare I be broke because of the support payment's I'm paying my ex? Who gives a damn if I'm a good dad and ex-partner? Almost none. What illusions I had, so sad. One way street out there and with so many more men than women online….. it's the equivalent of a virtual fishing pole. We all know what the lure is. Nothing but games results. Well…..if you wonder where the good men are there's a lot of them like me who have red-pilled, lost complete trust, and checked out.

So I do what I do and I have a very active outdoors lifestyle……. but I never actually meet single women out in the real life, because they've checked out of that with the virtual one. Good luck.

jackson pine says:

I have no sympathy for women at all. #MGTOW

penguinistas says:

Excellent talk Bettina. Fun and informative.

GunsAndPoker says:

Today’s females disgust me.

Helena Chase says:

Whores are always in high demand

Rory Tennes says:

I took care of two now ex wives, mothers of our children. as soon as they got into the working world, with much help from affirmative action and diversity quotas, they decided they didn't need me any more. They wanted to do their own thing but interestingly they still wanted me to pay them.
The second one divorced me after I had been injured and disabled. She didn't want to return the favor of helping me when I needed help. Society and or government supports women's behavior and often promotes it. So when women are given the chance to take from men what they did not earn they will certainly do it. And when they decide to shirk responsibility, that they promised BTW, they will certainly do it. It is their nature. Society and the legal system allows this to happen.
So if women are complaining about the way things are just remember , this is what you wanted women. This was your choice. If you are alone, if you can't find a " good man", this is because of feminism and its what you wanted. Live with It. While we men enjoy what we can glean from this situation- A lot of younger women for us.

Brilliant Torquoise. says:

Women are hypergamic. In otherwords they only date Men from a similar or higher socio-economic background. With more Women being in the workforce and making more and more money, they're standards are ever higher. So the definition of a "good man" is one that is richer than how Women defined a "good man" 30 years ago. In otherwords, female expectations have risen, which means less and less men are perceived to be "good enough" for these shallow women.

Bruce Sims says:

There is a subject here that noone is addressing and is stunning in its simplicity. Fact is that pair-bonding is about formulating a relationship. Two people are required to enter into a relationship by considering outcomes in terms of what they contribute rather than what they take away. But dont believe me. Consider the current characterization of the "most desireable" alpha males. Pair-bonding in modern culture is a media driven corruption of what it has been in the past. Formerly pair-bonding was about survival of the individual and the species. Currently it has become only one of a number of self-serving options. It was ne er intended to be that. Get a clue folks. You're doing this to yourselves.

given name says:

why would anybody get married really

martyn fenton says:

How can it be any suprise that divorced women are better off financially than divorced men – if anyone is suprised they are walking around with their eyes shut. 3rd wave feminism is killing the west. Enjoy your cats ladies and militant islam sending you back a 1000yrs

PS masters degree applied physics, own home, lots of cash, good social life, healthy, own teeth and hair and fit bmi 24 age 57 BUT not interested in ANY 3rd wave feminist crap. Equality of opportunity fine but not compulsary equality of outcome.

albert forlini peace on earth says:

Ingratitude has it's own built in punishment .

Mumtaz Shamsee says:

You are so positive and trusting……everything has some positive aspect….who knew? However, in real life, there is so much BS that most people are jaded.

FreedMan76 says:

I usually agree with Betina, but she lost me on this one. Online dating is a complete social disaster.

John Doe says:

Online Dating doesn't work for smart people. It is a remedy for the stupid. Why would anyone with value tolerate being fooled by photoshopped pictures of their date from 20 years ago? Why should he tolerate being lied about any other aspect of that woman's live? Online Dating is a scam, directed at loosers that buy that kind of BS.


Women are far too risky today… the stats are real bad…
Would you go into a business relationship based on todays marital numbers?
Here thay are. But instead of saying they are marriage numbers we will say they are business numbers.
Partner A is male. Partner B is female. And the business is called M inc.
All M businesses today fail with a 75% failure rate.
80 percent of M Inc. The partner B initiates legal severage.
96% of the time B receives payout from A that is life long figure awarded by the court
Dependants (assets) are awarded to B 98% of the time. Along with that there is a possibility 2 decades of punitive damages awarded to partner B for support of the assets.
the partnership disolved M inc now becomes a lifelong burden to partner A.
What was the initial investment Made by A simply looking for a Partner to Help team up to tackle the costs of living so minimal capital input.
What was the initial investment made by B simply looking for a partner to help team up to tackle the cost of living so minimal capital input.
Upon dissolution. Bartner A increased liabilities greatly. Partner B decreased all liability within incorporation and recieves life long equity in the form of monthly capital injections from B
Do not get married do not date women the risks are far to massive

Mend Amp says:

I find it difficult to believe that divorced women, with homes they got from the ex, are afraid of losing “their” homes to their second husband divorcing them and getting their home? I call bullshit on that one!

Cliff Morgan says:

Re-marriage is becoming more common. The grass is not always that green on the other side of the fence….

Maria DOLORES Rodriguez Ferrere de MERCADO says:

I am a widow no children wouldn't mind a man with children..not many jajaja

Maria DOLORES Rodriguez Ferrere de MERCADO says:

I am 55 widowed and want to marry again..what are the odds?..I want someone like me..I do not want a male company..I want a husband…. are all men looking for younger women? I also wud like a man 5 yrs younger..

Maria DOLORES Rodriguez Ferrere de MERCADO says:

you need subtitles..hard to understand..voice is not smooth and your speech is not clear for anon native anglo person.. hard to understand can… u add subtitles please in English?

kay poly says:

I am a blackman and an immigrant in a european country. I don't have white privilege of the average western whiteman. He(whiteman/woman) gets the wealth passed down from generations thanks to using my ancestors as plowhorses to build what we know today as the "west", The US in particular, and of course he shares the wealth only among his people, we get the crumbs falling off the table unless of course if you're Lebron James etc, but hey! that's different story.

Back in the day, whites would marry eachother because women were more dependent on men, that slowly took a U-turn in the 70s and now we see the results(feminism).

I know a bunch of 40 year old wrinkled up whitewomen with their 13th rabbits and 7th cat. Ok stop! I know you want to tell me, I am trying to be funny, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, and if you doubt me, contact me privately and I might show you the picture.

I am in my 30s and increasingly seeing whites in my age divorcing, some with but most without kids. The whitesupremacy world is crushing on itself since the rise of feminism and the "independent strong women" movement.

When you see piercings, tattoos, colored armpit or hair it's a tell-tale sign you're dealing with a feminist and when you see short hair? run!!!!!

Whitemen mostly betamales have spent their lives trying to impress whitewomen by taking loans from the bank to by exotic holidays and big cars and build houses they don't need are slowly getting their hearst broken with the rise in divorce rates.

This women instead turn to poorer blackdudes like my kind because we can lay the pipe properly and we don't have evil mindsets like, colonizing continents, waging nonstop wars, lying about WMDs to justify blowing up people in Iraq in order to steal their resources just to we can have goodies to bring home to a woman.

I see we are actually the ones winning at the end because, whitewomen are slowyly waking up!

If whitemen had shared the wealth evenly and fairly to begin with or better yet not gone waging wars and colonizing at all, white women won''t have a choice but to stick with their men.

Whiteboy, If you think I am bullshitting, just study divorcees and breakups, where do they end up? in the arms of a coconut-sipping ordinary islander in the carribean or some African immigrant who ain't got two nickles to rub together like my black ass. She is still in the passenger seat of that new Audi you leased from the bank faking she actually loves you now right? wait until she's done acting somewhere in her late to mid 40ish max. she's dragging your ass to the divorce court, she settles with half of your possession and I am going to be stretching her pink wall out while we enjoy your alimony spousal support and childsupport. Nuff said.

sunsetlights100 says:

Vital point in the selfes @49 m it does take as lot to get a decent pic. As as humans we have many expressions in 60 sec ,+ asset split interesting conundrum for women as and men of substance. I like that u support men ,& obviously women Have men fallen behind or have women's standards gone up ….

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