Emotional Intelligence – Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ

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Emotional Intelligence – Why low EQ is holding you back from being successful and how to increase it.

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Video Summary:
IQ hasn’t been found to be a good predictor of success in life or in business. In fact higher IQ tends to be counter-intuitive to achieving such success. A better predictor of success is Emotional Intelligence or EQ (one’s emotional quotient). Although under-recognized, it plays a pervasive role in our everyday interactive life.

As social animals, humans’ emotions significantly impact our relationships, the very substance of our society. On an individual level, the ability to recognize our own emotions, to distinguish and control them, and to recognize and empathize with the emotions of others are the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. Individuals vary considerably in their abilities on these rather distinct measures, typically being stronger in one or two than in the others.

Identifying opportunities for improvement in emotional intelligence opens a pathway to improved relationships and greater success. Education to sharpen the skills involved in emotional intelligence via books, videos, and life coaching, as well as interpersonal practice offers promise for growth to every person who wants to increase their EQ and their success in business and personal relationships.

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Jingo Unchained says:

What a crock of shit.

Djdjdjs Ass says:

I have a high EQ but a low IQ but I fell pretty sad

Trent Infinity says:

anton laVey got smart

Mustafe Ali says:

great,top , thank you leo .

Farouk Bahri says:

that's the wrongest video of actualised.com i've seen yet. firste of all there is no such a thing called "emotional intelligent", there's no empirical studies or a test or any other way to measure a thing of a bunch of things that can allow us to call them emotional intelligence, like we've done with intelligence, the best name for it is emotional skills or talents, and that's what goleman did, he took a bunch of important emotional skills, like the ability to read others emotions etc.. and concluded that they should be called emotional intelligence!! secondly, there's actually many researches on the differences that EQ makes in jobs, they use a statistal technic called meta-analysis. and the results (schmidt and hunter 1998) were: 7% in jobs that require personal contact (like saling etc), and 0% in jobs that need no "emotional skills"

nallathai latha says:

Has anyone tried Rotogenflux Methods? (just google it) We have noticed numerous amazing things about this iq boost secrets.


My therapist said I had high eq and so far I see only the downsides because I feel every thing 1000×

BG Sala says:

I think most emotions works negatively in a person that's why Sociopaths and Psychopaths make very strategic decisions because of there lack of emotions.. same with high EQ normal individual who evaluates and manages emotions before making decisions w/c then leads toward their success.. but no one really knows exactly.. i'm just saying..

Elsie Jean says:

My IQ is 131 but my EQ on the other hand….

TheRaven363 says:

I dont know what succes means for you, but Im pretty sure Einstien and Jobs gave little if any fucks about their families (Jobs kids Einstiens wife) they still are considered very succesfull.

Oliver Phippen says:

Animals act a certain way and we watch ?
Humans act a certain way and we also watch ?
When animals act like humans we call it out in amazement – like dolphins -dogs – parrots – cats etc
BUT BUT BUT when people act like animals we are told by the mentally weak /left we must be quiet /CAREFUL so not to offend . The Left / DIMS /NEGROES /mentally weak tell us that we aren’t suppose to call Criminals / Thugs / MS 13 / illegals / enemies ANIMALS ??? Instead of " Charlies Angels " MS-13 are called
"Pelosi's Angels “

Comparing a White person or Oriental person with a monkey /baboon is cute /funny ???
Neither RACE gets upset because they know that its a joke as it has no real credibility but if a Negro hears or see’s the same comparison they go nuts / upset cause the statement /picture may have some Credibility and they don’t want that out of the bag even though every one recognizes it ??
Besides if the theory of Evolution is believed / correct then the Negro becomes the missing link and the white man becomes the advanced version of humanity ??
Thats unprecedented ??

ChristosTVable says:

i told this to my friend and told me this is bullshit and discuraged me and then he told me that these are things that when the one is high the other one would be low and i recently had been like " flexing " in a way my knowledge on him lol

umesh bansal says:

i like and love u very much u r really a genius person i didnot see like you any other person in the world

illam11 says:

humanity quotient?

darunealbane says:

So you can be as stupid as a stump and be a ceo because you have high EQ

No wonder why low IQ people are pushing this

vijaya raja says:

Does Rotogenflux Methods really work? I notice many people keep on speaking about Rotogenflux Methods. But I'm not sure if it is good enough to increase your IQ of 22 points.

Quod Deus Avertat says:

I was abused mentally and physically my entire childhood and now I’m emotionally retarded. I don’t understand happiness or sadness because I don’t feel those emotions. I don’t talk much because if I don’t people sometimes mistake me for being deep in thought when in reality I’m just trying to figure out how to react emotionally to what’s being said to me on the fly. My own friends don’t always know how to take me, let alone random people who try to engage me in conversation. When I go out I always pray that no one will talk to me. I’ll never be likable. My folks doomed me to this existence. Every day, fear, guilt, shame, anger, those things are all I know.

goonie googoo says:

Umm He doesn’t strike me as having high EQ. He is SOOOO focused on 1) what is bad EQ 2) what a persons EQ score is (including his own good score).
Note the positives and inspire more and much earlier.

Oliver Phippen says:

EI is a FRAUD ?? It was created so to include all cause the real IQ does not ??
Basket Ball IQ is another created to help those who don't possess the real Intelligence ??

Oliver Phippen says:

The higher you score on the EQ the more likely you are a ping pong ball on a tennis court ???

Oliver Phippen says:

NOT hardly – EQ was created for Negros to compete cause their IQ is the lowest in the world so here is an avenue for them to change and comply because they couldn't compete with the progress being made ??

Gucci Waxxy says:

EQ does not exist.

Janet Vasquez says:

What is yoir name? Cant find it

Savalias Edwards says:

Emotions = Energy in motion

Ignacio Gonzalez says:

This is what Jordan Peterson, a psychologist, not lke you, says on the subject.

Answer by Jordan B Peterson, psychology professor at the University of Toronto, clinical psychologist, on Quora:

There is no such thing as EQ. Let me repeat that: "There is no such thing as EQ." The idea was popularized by a journalist, Daniel Goleman, not a psychologist. You can't just invent a trait. You have to define it and measure it and distinguish it from other traits and use it to predict the important ways that people vary.

EQ is not a psychometrically valid concept. Insofar as it is anything (which it isn't) it's the Big Five trait agreeableness, although this depends, as it shouldn't, on which EQ measure is being used (they should all measure the same thing ). Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, but they can also be pushovers. Disagreeable people, on average (if they aren't too disagreeable) make better managers, because they are straightforward, don't avoid conflict and cannot be easily manipulated.

It should also be noted that IQ is five or more times as powerful a predictor as even good personality trait predictors such as conscientiousness. The true relationship between grades, for example, and IQ might be as high as r = .50 or even .60 (accounting for 25-36% of the variance in grades). Conscientiousness, however, probably tops out at around r = .30, and is more typically reported as r = .25 (say, 5 to 9% of the variance in grades). There is nothing that will provide you with a bigger advantage in life than a high IQ. Nothing. To repeat it: NOTHING.

So yeaah… You don't know what you are talking about. It's sad how you profit with the ignorance of people.

seetha raman says:

Hi there, I want to know if Rotogenflux Methods, will work for me? I see lots of people keep on talking about this iq course.

3eautyfully says:

My iq low my eq lower

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