Who Should Pay On The First Date? (As Told By Guys)

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Who do YOU think should pull out the cash for your date? Weigh in here: http://www.yourtango.com/20085247/dating-etiquette-the-7-inch-lean

Find out what men think about money and dating in this episode of “That’s What He Said.” Also, what is the 7-inch lean? Who pays for “unmentionables?”


Dear Abby,
You aint got nothing on us. Five guys, give different love stages, endless topics. Get ready for a little guy guidance. I’m Steven Fabien and this is “That’s What He Said”.

Let’s set it up. You’re out on a date the food’s great, the conversations great, the wine flowing that means the bill’s going up and up. So the question is, who pays the bill. Dating is not cheap. But if you let her pay, does that mean you are?

Waiter drops the bomb. It’s a large one. What do you do?

You pick it up.


If your arm does not go out there immediately, you’re done.

Yea, I’ll take the bill and then I’m like “If you want to take the tip, that’s cool”. Break it up that way. Like, you wanna tip? That’s fine sure!

Sometimes you just go through the motions of having that fake argument. “I’m gonna pay.” She says, “No, I’m gonna pay”. Make if three rounds of that and then you just pay anyway.

That’s like one of nature’s beautiful dance.

Yea, exactly!

When two birds kinda like go back and forth before they mate.

You can’t explain in.

I will pay this bill and I will have a great time paying this bill but I like when you just pretend you want to pay the bill.

All it is, is like the 7 inch lean. That’s all. That’s all it is. That’s all she needs to do.

If the date isn’t going so well. You know you’re not gonna ever see this girl again in your entire life. What do you do then?

You want to just pay for each other’s meals? You know what I mean? Like let just get in this.

There seems like a check off list: If a girl says something racist. Bing! Split. You know- You know she ah… she insults your face. Split.

Does income level play a role when you’re going on a date?

Yea I saw, my girlfriend’s pay stub and then I knew she was making more than me.

Ohhh, Man!

And then like immediately that next night, it was just like, I was just waiting, like “Yea, you’re gonna pay for this”. It just like crushed me to find that out.

If there’s ever something that she needs and she like struggling, you jump right I there and buy whatever kind of pharmaceutical she needs. Like, I don’t care what it is.

Why do you- Becausee-

There’s just something about looking out for them.

I guess I’m weird like that. Like, your feminine hygiene is not my problem. It’s like I don’t wanna pay for your tampons. You know, I’ll pay for your dinner but not your tampons. Well, when money’s the questions, there never seems to be and easy answer. But in the world of dating guys it seems like picking up that first tab will always insure you date number two. This has been “That’s What He Said”. Thanks for watching.

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المستشاره says:

I feel very comfortable when a guy pays and just think its kinda wired if I paid, Im not like cheap or anything but things are supossed to be that way He has TO PAY NOT ME. I would feel so frustrated if he let me pay.

Natalie Boudakian says:

Women don't feel very comfortable when they let the guy pay ,but they do it so he can feel like he is the boss.

Natalie Boudakian says:

Women don't feel very comfortable

diamond sweetful says:

don't think that way

Lemmy15 says:

It makes me uncomfortable when a man pays for my meal. It either makes me feel slightly objectified, or like he expects something of me.

::Blaque Butterfly:: says:

i can go with the tip thing. I work with that

jenerationl says:

I can guarantee you if you don't pay for the date (just like believing in her "I don't believe in Valentine's Day" spiel), you will not be in the good books. Trust me.

mdezotelle says:

@thecapone45 maybe it's just the girls you hang around. but i understand, iz hard to find someone nice.

SWIFTzTrigger says:

@thecapone45 the bitch slap. Works wonders on them and makes em want you even more

SWIFTzTrigger says:

@thecapone45 God gave you a backhand for a reason son…

dirk jackson says:

@619anastasia Not only are you vulgar, you are also lacking in intelligence. I'm not latino, I am white (3/4 german, 1/4 irish). You may think that I am latino because my account states I am living in Peru. I'm in Peru now because this is where my beach front vacation home is. Trust that I have enough money to buy food in places other than McDonalds. You should do yourself a favor and stop writing comments.

dirk jackson says:

@619anastasia I take it you dont believe me. Please know that I only speak the truth. My opinion is from years of observing male friends, family, and coworkers. But dont take my word for it. Look at your previous relationships. Have any guys treated you bad or cheated on you? There must have been a reason for it. By the looks of your photo, I have a feeling you are a train wreck when it comes to relationships. And all this time I thought Ukraine women were independent. Stop acting black.

Nina Vincent says:

@hotchicken360 LOL I would. But only for humiliation and to see the look on his face.

MUFCFrankie says:

@HereIamWhatNow You need to man up and tell the girl to pay sometimes.

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