The Real Problem With Self Esteem and How To Get Past It

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In this video, Brian takes on the topic of building up your self esteem and/or confidence in relationship to being in your head. If you are working on building your confidence and self-esteem, you are most likely trying to do it like most other men: from your head, meaning you are thinking a lot about and over analyzing your problem.

The more you analyze and try to think about your problems, the more you get frustrated. Instead of pushing, learn to surrender and to let go.

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SoCreaty says:

You are a genius with a big heart.
Thank you very much for your help here!

Faouzi Laloui says:

Waw awesome ! is is true that is the sedona method?

Jason Carranza says:

Just be like Ultra Instinct Goku from Dragon Ball Super,don't think about what you're next move or thought will be just focus on your body and let your body take over and let it be

Sercio says:

Big thanks to you for that, after a few minutes I suddenly started laughing for no reason and actually felt good. Keep doing what you're doing and good luck!

All In One 1 says:

Works out well for me .

Mohammed Ali says:

Your very good at this man. For some reason I feel connected to this.

NAVI 26 says:

You talk to much get to the point laud short and simple

jimmyjones05 says:

Wow, thank you for this. It created a feeling that I can refer back to throughout my day to practice this as a mindset exercise. Literally gave me the giggles once my body relaxed.

Aditya Malaviya says:

I have low self esteem, because I never excelled or achieved anything worthwhile, I was never a particularly great as a student. It really brings me down, I'm constantly looking for solutions to this issue.

daniel ferreira says:

I recomend watching Rupert Spira. It comes down to waking up tou our true nature, as pure awareness.

saaransh kapil says:

i koww im being used… but thats okay bcause i like the abuse!!

oblivious108 says:

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do this long meditation that takes forever.

D Master says:

One of the biggest problems is feeling unworthy of the hot girl.

Vilmars Liepins says:

Sedona Method principle, it works 😉 Thankyou!

vVRavenVv says:

Thanks Brian, great video. Reminds me of Eugene Gendlin's concepts with Focusing Oriented Therapy … read his book called "Focusing" a few months ago which outlines a similar kind of process … fantastic way to work through blocks and how you really feel about stuff … have found it to be an invaluable tool for internal growth

Akshay Kumar says:

Pretty good stuff, I've been trying to do it for 10 minutes every morning when I wake up, much easier to get approval now than beginning and I can see the effects in my daily life, talking to more women, gonna try to keep it up. Also tried it with sexual shame and first I couldn't let go, but this morning I did.

Matthew Neill says:

Hi Brian, really excellent video. I had a question if you have the time to answer I'd really appreciate it. When we are releasing something, it seems to be more about staying with and releasing the feeling rather than getting wrapped up in the story behind the emotion. My question is, is it really important to know what the real underlining cause/past event or belief that is causing that pain is or should we just stay with the pain and let the answers come if they want to?

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