My Deepest Struggle as a Single Christian Woman // Dating & Marriage #ConversationCorner EP.2

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I almost didn’t upload this for the fear of embarrassment. I’m not qualified to give dating advice but I am qualified to give my opinion and share my experiences. *** LINKS BELOW ***


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Sandra Jefferson says:

Your a beautiful smart girl your husband will be very lucky!

Chu Dickson says:

Jehovah won’t fail you. More grace !

Randall M. Rueff says:

Randall M. Rueff says:

lose the long and painted fingernails and jewelry and make up and marry me….

Randall M. Rueff says:

you are beautiful… I would marry you…

LifeOfLola says:

Great video! Plus, you're gorgeous!

Svetlana Pancheva says:

true…great clip dear

codzydee says:

sweetie your beautiful aint u beating them off with a stick haha the Lord will send u a beautiful hearted commited man in your life i know but as of now us single women in God gotta keep trudging along God Bless u honey xox

Fabian McIntyre says:

What's up Tabitha? I am a Christian. I am not sure if you have given up on your search for the person you pray to marry; nonetheless, my perspective on dating is similar to yours. Also, I do not believe in fornication, nor shaking up. I do not drink, nor smoke. I made my decision about the kind of girlfriend, fiance, wife, mother of my future children (One Christian woman) that I want to marry; and I've been praying for a Christian wife since I was in high school and college. Today I am still praying….

Psalm 144:1 Maccabees says:

2 Timothy 3:1-9 

The Last Days

3 Remember that there will be difficult times in the last days. 2 People will be selfish, greedy, boastful, and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and irreligious; 3 they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent, and fierce; they will hate the good; 4 they will be treacherous, reckless, and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; 5 they will hold to the outward form of our religion, but reject its real power. Keep away from such people. 6 Some of them go into people's houses and gain control over weak women who are burdened by the guilt of their sins and driven by all kinds of desires, 7 women who are always trying to learn but who can never come to know the truth. 8 As Jannes and Jambres were opposed to Moses, so also these people are opposed to the truth—people whose minds do not function and who are failures in the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, because everyone will see how stupid they are. That is just what happened to Jannes and Jambres.

Amoureuse says:

Thank you for being open in this way. You are so beautiful and have spoken from the heart. I am contemplating leaving the church for this reason. I feel like church is keeping Black women single. Have you read Deboerah Cooper's, "The Black Church: Where women pray and men prey?" I have found that the most men in the church are either already married, have no job and need "fixing" or help or are in a form of recovery of some sort. They are then either bisexual or gay, or are pimps (both married and unmarried). There are not many good men left in the church since most men (especially Black men) are not in there anyway. I tend to have a preference for a Black man like my father. Also, as you mentioned, Black women are judged to reach a certain level of "perfection." Colorism is rampant in our Black community, with a lot of Black men if they can hack it preferring to be with White women in certain parts of the country here in America. It is spreading. That's why so many of us, even professional, "hard working" sisters are so strong and seem "hard" to these Black men: we've always had to do it alone. I feel the Black church exploits single Black women to serve and things can be worse for us in those spaces as far as finding a quality Black man who wants us. I hope to hear an update on your experiences. Again, you are beautiful and I wish you much love, continued self-love, and well-being.


My QUEEN OF ESSENCE, you are intoxicatingly beautiful and elegant. Your inner and outer essence is on fleek.

I personally; by the GRACE of YAH ELOHIM through the wisdom and understanding of his holy spirit, would love to get to know of you.

The problem for us, would be centered on the religious and spiritual connections. As of you and I; WE are ISREALITES as our heritage of being from the line of Abraham, in which we come from ROYAL stock.

I'm not the type of ISREALITE that ACTS in a self-righteous indignation of myself (not acting like the PHARISEE) or that I'm better than anyone else.
I'm just a person that's humble and is still learning about my FATHER YAH; his purposes for me, as well as being there for my people, past and present ANCIENTS.

I'm not into Christianity, due to its origin as a entity of questioning for most of our people who are giving HOMAGE to it.

Check out the WATCHMEN REPORTS on YouTube.

Also video #2

#3. Same
#4. Talks about the lost and found of the 12 tribes of ISREAL video.

BlackEducationTV on YouTube.

Not trying to force my beliefs on YOU; just give you some incite and understanding.

aGwEENapple says:

I understand pretty much everything you talked about. I never had a serious relationship. I never went to a really big congregation where I could meet someone. I don't think from my own experience online dating is ideal. There's a few risks. But I have wondered how long I could wait for a Christian man. Watching everyone around me hearing them say "I have a bf or gf or I'm getting married" or "we're expecting our 2nd child" it just always would make me wonder where was my place. Am I doing everything right.

Sterling Turner says:

Baby you so fine!!

Roanna LaToya says:

Can definitely relate hun!!GOD BLESS YOU

ゴンちゃんローラ says:

I was going to say you are so frickin' cute and then I saw Ms. Sunday Omony said the same thing. You are though 🙂
I struggle with this pretty much every single (ha haaaaah) day. I didn't grow up a Christian, I became a Christian after coming to Japan, and that's where I am now and have been for the past 4 years several months. I honestly don't know how to feel about this anymore. I am going to be 30 this year, and that shouldn't matter, but the reality is that it does. Dating is hard (or so I hear) for non-Christian people, but then I find myself having become a Christian (a choice I someimtes regret to be honest) in Japan, a land with less than 1% Christian people. People who are older than me and have been here for longer, who have been Christian for longer, have given up on dating and told me that some people are just not meant to be married. That was a little bit after I had become a Christian, but as a non-Christian woman I'd been single for at least 7 years or so, so you're telling the person who recently became a Christian who now is surrounded my messages of the wonderfulness of having a Godly marriage and having this prayer partner and going to Heaven together blah (x3) and you tell me that some people are just not meant to be married? I took that to heart and it hurt me a lot- and so I looked up stuff online. I had this bout with this non-Christian guy who I was honestly CONVINCED WITH 3000% of my heart that he would become a Christian and we would date and get married only to find out he wasn't even looking to date me. That destroyed me a bit (a lot). Because of that, I was able to study for a test I'd been trying to do for the past 3 years and pass it and now I've managed to change jobs and I know this job was laid out by God, but given my history with men and all the stuff I mentioned about Christianity and Japan above, I feel like I'm just going to be single forever. Which sucks 'cause I wasn't planning on this- but that happens a lot in life, and it seems to happen a lot with things that we plan vs what God has planned. What I would like to know is why? But I understand that's hard for us to know or understand because His ways and thoughts are higher than ours and it's all part of some master scheme we wont find out until we're in Heaven or however many years later. What bugs me about this is that you have convicting views in the church. Like- people say that God puts those desires in your heart to test if you really want them- but if you're gonna leave me dry like a dessert like this why even do that? I'm currently working on trying to get rid of those emotions 'cause I'm tired of feeling like I'm waiting for my life to go on, when there is the chance that this is how it's going to be until I die, or Jesus comes back. That's not to say that things won't change suddenly, as they often do with things of God, but daaang- I'm in this pit of darkness, and when you talk to people (at least in my church) then that's all my fault, at least that's what the people in my head (like them but I don't talk to them any more because talking to them upsets me so I "assume" this is what they'd say). Sorry for the looooong frickin' comment, but I really liked your honesty and you're so cute 🙂 I haven't seen your other videos, so I don't know if you've found somebody, but I can't tell you don't worry he'll come, 'cause we don't know that. I also don't want to say "some people aren't meant to be married", 'cause that's depressing as fudge. Either way, hope things work out for you and God bless <3

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