How to Accelerate Your Personal Growth | Real Personal Development

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In this one we see how to accelerate personal growth and finally do some real personal development or self help.
S U B S C R I B E :
Coaching with Rafael:

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The true Dragon says:

I know I am a few months late but I just found your channel but I find everything you say is true and you have changed my mind set thank you vary much

Live Before You Leave says:

Great video and great filming man! (I subbed)

cassheng69 says:

I'm listening, Coach Rafeal.
Ive learnt not to rush myself into getting my own success. there's a saying about the hunter and the farmer story. The hunter may outperform the farmer in achieving his/her goals to feed his own desire ! ( Capture 🔚 Kill )
Meanwhile the farmer create values on providing water and food ( Values ➡ Nuture ➡ Convert )
no matter how tired I am at full day's schedule reaching home late, I make time 5 mins to watch your video, and also to refresh what I've learnt today to remind me here. I thank you for providing me this platform of yours for me to express myself. 🌼

Diogo Fabrício says:

So damn true. A big thank you from Portugal for your video man!

Dhruv kumar says:

thanks brother

Maria Reid says:

you have to work hard to develope your life skills in order to grow

Geneva Livingstone says:

always you hit it out of the park!!! However today's message was absolutely fabulous!!!! so true!!!

Elif Merve says:

Yes very true, we need to be more practical rather than

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