Ayurveda program for winter season anxiety

This anxiety which surface areas specifically in winter season is a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and is typically called as winter season Time Blues or Winter anxiety. The precise cause for this anxiety is as of yet uncertain.

The signs of winter season anxiety are propensity to over consume, yearning for sugary foods and carbs and weight gain.

Have they advised any solutions? Yes, they have actually advised reliable and basic natural treatments to get rid of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

The winter season is marked as Hemanta ritu and Sisira ritu in ayurveda. This falls in southern solstice which is called as visarga kala or dakshinayana in ayurveda.

The reaction of human body to this season is really well described in ayurveda. Vata inside body boosts in winter season due to the fact that of cold and dryness which is common in external environment.

The winter season time anxiety is seen primarily personallies who have vata as significant constituent in their prakriti or body constitution. The cause for this kind of modification is longer nights of winter season.

Light treatment is suggested by medical professionals for winter season time blues. Direct exposure to synthetic light might trigger headache, Irritability, Eye pressure, Inability to sleep and tiredness. Direct exposure to sunshine and if sunshine is not offered sitting near fireplace is the solution recommended in Ayurveda.

Keeping the home well lit with lights assist to decrease the strength of anxiety.

Moderate workout like yoga is another treatment for winter season anxiety. Ayurveda advises oil massage (abhyanga) to body and head (moordha taila.). Delighting in sexual act to keep the state of minds raised and to keep the body warm is another highly recommended ayurvedic treatment.

Fulfilling buddies who are kind and understanding increases spirits and cheers up the day. Hanging out with good friends on the beach assists to expose your body to sunshine and keeps your spirits high.

Unwinding with meditation, massage, light music and laughter assists to terrific degree.

The following ayurvedic ideas assist to lower the strength and avoid of seasonal condition of winter season, the winter season time blues.

1. Expose yourself to sunshine as much as you can. In lack of sun light sitting near fire location is extremely practical.

2. Massage your body with vata balancing natural oil (abhyanga). Always remember to use oil on your head (moordha taila.).

Get rid of the oil by taking hot water bath. A mix of flours of yellow gram (channa), green gram (moong), fenu greek seeds (methi) in equivalent percentage is the finest organic scrub which can be utilized to eliminate the oil.

4. Take in hot soups.

5. Usage vata stabilizing foods like wheat, oil, corn, black gram and jaggery.

6. Tickle your palate with sweet, sour and salt tastes

7. Constantly utilize warm water for all day-to-day regular activity.

8. Usage thick blankets and sheets made from silk, wool and cotton.

9. Constantly use foot wear.

10. Delight in sexual act.

11. Invest your free time with loved ones and pals whom you like


This anxiety which surface areas particularly in winter season is a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and is frequently called as winter season Time Blues or Winter anxiety. The winter season is marked as Hemanta ritu and Sisira ritu in ayurveda. Vata inside body boosts in winter season due to the fact that of cold and dryness which is common in external environment.

Light treatment is advised by medical professionals for winter season time blues. Moderate workout like yoga is another solution for winter season anxiety.