Comfrey – The Perfect Gift For The Mother To Be


( Symphytum Officinale).

Medicinal Parts: Rootstock, leaves.

Description: Comfrey is a seasonal plant typical in damp meadows and other wet locations in the U.S. and Europe.

Characteristic: anodyne, astringent, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, hemostatic, refrigerant, vulnerary.

Comfrey is genuinely one of nature’s wonder remedies. Comfrey is outstanding for lowering the swelling around a fracture, consequently enabling the union to take location with higher center.

My midwife initially presented me to Comfrey after the birth of my very first kid. All of those little delights after giving birth were making me really unpleasant. The midwife advised me to high Comfrey leaves in hot water and include it to my sitz bath.

Today, any time I participate in a child shower, I make up a present basket equipped with comfrey. I cover a generous handful of comfrey leaves in cheesecloth, then connect it closed with a ribbon.

Comfrey is not constantly simple to discover. If you do not have an organic food or herb provider in your location, please visit us at for direct links to online purveyors of natural herbs.

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Comfrey is exceptional for decreasing the swelling around a fracture, thus permitting the union to take location with higher center. My midwife initially presented me to Comfrey after the birth of my very first kid. The midwife advised me to high Comfrey leaves in hot water and include it to my sitz bath. Today, any time I go to a child shower, I make up a present basket equipped with comfrey. I cover a generous handful of comfrey leaves in cheesecloth, then connect it closed with a ribbon.