18 Replies to “Girly errands ftw πŸŒžπŸ“πŸ›οΈπŸ’„ #DailyVlog | Single Mom DITL | Running Errands”

  1. You are my favorite YouTuber πŸ’žπŸ˜»πŸ’ž I love you ❀️❀️ you are the best mom ever πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ like what

  2. Girl what was that SONG THO just a few verses and i wanna hear more ❀❀❀

  3. I swear I love this girl she's the real deal I've never once seen her be anything but sweet God bless her

  4. Ik this is off topic but I think you might like a song artist called NF I feel like I’ve heard the songs that you’ve listened to every once in a while, and I think it kind of fits into your type of music if you don’t like him or don’t want to try listening that’s fine js thought you might like him❀️❀️ also, can we talk about how she looks so beautiful even with the breakout?

  5. One recommendation for pimples that works for me Is Starface pimple patches they work wonders

  6. NO PROFESSIONAL that is actually qualified will tell you go to the tanning salon for your skin. Absolutely no one. Please no one listen to this, skin cancer isn't fun

  7. You go Abbey ❀❀❀❀❀ can’t wait to see your continued growth and success ❀

  8. Where did you get that bag that you put your supplies in for your car? P.S. ily and myla!!

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