How Long Does Content Marketing Take to Work? Here Are My Digital Marketing STATS

Everyone is blogging, so you should to right? Although blogging can be a great way to generate traffic, it takes time before you will see results.
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I started blogging around November 2013 on By January 2014 I had roughly 9,000 visitors a month from Google. By January 2015 I had grown my search traffic to 88,000 visitors and by January 2016 I was getting over 400,000 visitors a month from Google.

Content marketing works, but it takes a few years before you see great results. So if you are going to create a blog, be willing to invest 2 years before you are happy with the results.

12 Replies to “How Long Does Content Marketing Take to Work? Here Are My Digital Marketing STATS”

  1. Hi Neil! Amazing job! Thank you. Can I use other people's content in the instagram stories or in the blog of my clothing brand? For example a video of Will Smith talking about how much fear disturbs us? I would like to use it to create value and pass trust .. what's your opinion?

  2. Wish you could organize a meetup in India… Indian companies seriously need lessons on getting their website/content/product to go viral, and then sustain the momentum.

  3. Hi Neil, glad to see you on YouTube. Have few doubts about the tips you shared.

    1. You explained the growth and projections considering your blog. But as we know that you had a good presence in the industry when you started your own blog after some awesome work like KissMetric, CrazyEgg etc. What if one wants to start a personal blog as a fresh startup in the industry?

    2. Can one have a personal blog as the main source of business? If yes, what needs to be done for it?

    I liked your video on "How to Market Your Website When You Don't Have Any Money"

  4. Hi Neil, appreciate the raw traffic numbers you shared in the video. it would be cool if you shared the behind the scenes production process for these videos. looks like you shoot them in batches of 15 or 16 all in 1 day then drip them out daily.

  5. In 2 years time, a specific piece of content(which was one of the first posts) will have grown old and I believe google rank, in general, tends to fade away with time. So, until I keep producing new content and link back to my old post, will that particular content from 2 years ago never get up the rank ladder?

  6. You have great goodwill in the industry and nobody should judge you anyhow on the subs and views you currently have on your channel, being consistent in this would increase engagements and you know it better. Glad to be one of your subscribers and bear witness to your YT growth. Cheers !!

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